Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Unconventional methods of hydrogenating coal
Electronic monitoring of mine fans
Summary energy balances for the United States :selected years 1947-62
Mining methods and costs, Kimballton Limestone Mine, Standard Lime and Cement Co., Giles County, Va.
Survey of burning coal-mine refuse banks
Bureau of Mines research and technologic work on coal, 1963
Reconnaissance of iron resources in Arizona
Effect of decoupling on explosion-generated strain pulses in rock
A system for electron-beam melting
Formation and flammability of stratified methane-air mixtures
Cadmium refining by amalgam electrolysis
Carbonizing properties of coals from Buchanan, Dickenson, Russell, Tazewell, and Wise Counties, Va.
A penetrometer for measuring the absolute viscosity of glass
Hydrometallurgical recovery of manganese from manganiferous slimes and limestones
Gasification of bituminous coal with oxygen in a pilot plant equipped for steam-pickup feeding
High-temperature heat contents and entropies of muscovite and dehydrated muscovite
Reducing vanadium compounds in bomb reactors
Experimental longwall mining in a Pennsylvania anthracite mine (In two parts).
Preliminary study of inorganic reactions in a high-gamma radiation flux
Developing a lock-hopper feeder for hydraulic hoisting of coal
Abatement of noise from explosives testing
Comparison of properties of coke produced by BM-AGA and industrial methods
Low-temperature heat capacities and entropies at 298.15⁰ K of lead molybdate and lead tungstate
Methods for producing titanium lower chlorides
Gasification of coal in the presence of gamma rays
Vapor pressure of tungsten (VI) chloride and hafnium (IV) iodide by a metal diaphragm technique
High-temperature heat contents and entropies of andalusite, kyanite, and sillimanite
Use of tritium tracer techniques in studies of gasoline storage stability
Hydrogasification of high-volatile A bituminous coal
Linear correlation of magnetic susceptibility with the chemical composition of minerals
Anthracite metallurgical briquets as blast furnace fuel
Experimental upgrading of artificial magnetite concentrates by flotation
An apparatus for detecting helium leaks
Heat and free energy of formation of muscovite
Continuous electrowinning of cerium metal from cerium oxides
Titanium placer resources in western Montana
Ignition of coal dust-methane-air mixtures by hot-turbulent-gas jets
Mine roof rock and roof bolt behavior resulting from nearby blasts
Some physical properties of ceria powders derived from five salts
Metathesis of bastnasite and solvent extraction of cerium
Analysis of high-purity hafnium by optical emission spectrography
Anionic flotation of silica from western Mesabi and Menominee range iron ores
Some iron phyllosilicates of the Cuyuna and Mesabi districts in Minnesota
Lightweight aggregates :expansion properties of selected Iowa shales, and loess
Prerefining pig iron with a vortex cone :Preliminary experiments
Dissolution and roasting techniques for extracting cesium from pollucite ores