Browse TRAIL Inventories

First-order theory for unsteady motion of thin wings at supersonic speeds

A numerical procedure for designing cascade blades with prescribed velocity distribution in incompressible potential flow

Friction and wear of hot-pressed bearing materials containing molybdenum disulfide

Interferometer corrections and measurements of laminar boundary layers in supersonic stream

Investigation of a NACA high-speed optical torquemeter

Investigation of a NACA high-speed strain-gage torquemeter

Investigation of properties of AISI type 310B alloy sheet at high temperatures

Method of analysis for compressible flow through mixed-flow centrifugal impellers of arbitrary design

A method of calibrating airspeed installations on airplanes at transonic and supersonic speeds by use of temperature measurements

Method of calculating the lateral motions of aircraft based on the Laplace transform

A method of computing subsonic flows around given airfoils

The NACA oil-damped V-G recorder

Wind-tunnel investigation at low speed of a 45 degree sweptback untapered semispan wing of aspect ratio 1.59 equipped with various 25-percent chord plain flaps

Wind-tunnel investigation at low speed of an unswept untapered semispan wing of aspect ratio 3.13 equipped with various 25-percent-chord plain flaps

Wind-tunnel investigation at low speed of the lateral control characteristics of an unswept untapered semi-span wing of aspect ratio 3.13 equipped with various 25-percent-chord plain ailerons

Horizontal tail loads in maneuvering flight

Static and impact strengths of riveted and spot-welded beams of Alclad 14S-T6, Alclad 75S-T6, and various tempers of Alclad 24S aluminum alloy

Experimental analysis of a pressure-sensitive system for sensing gas temperature

Lift-cancellation technique in linearized supersonic-wing theory

The load distribution due to sideslip on triangular, trapezoidal, and related plan forms in supersonic flow

Low-speed characteristics of four cambered, 10-percent-thick NACA airfoil sections

Low-speed investigation of a thin, faired, double-wedge airfoil section with nose flaps of various chords

Measurement of the moments of inertia of an airplane by a simplified method

Floating characteristics of rudders and elevators in spinning attitudes as determined from hinge-moment-coefficient data with application to personal-owner-type airplanes

Impact-pressure interpretation in a rarefied gas at supersonic speeds

Friction of surface films formed by decomposition of common lubricants of several types

On the effect of subsonic trailing edges on damping in roll and pitch of thin sweptback wings in a supersonic stream

On the particular integrals of the Prandtl-Busemann iteration equations for the flow of a compressible fluid

Effect of chemical reactivity of lubricant additives on friction and surface welding at high sliding velocities

Correlation of effects of fuel-air ratio, compression ratio, and inlet-air temperature on knock limits of aviation fuels

Correlation of physical properties with molecular structure for dicyclic hydrocarbons : I -2-n-alkylbiphenyl, 1,1-diphenylalkane,a,w-diphenylalkane; 1,1-dicyclohexylalkane, and a,w-dicyclohexylalkane series

Correlations of heat-transfer data and of friction data for interrupted plane fins staggered in successive rows

A determination of the laminar-, transitional-, and turbulent-boundary-layer temperature-recovery factors on a flat plate in supersonic flow

The design, operation, and uses of the water channel as an instrument for the investigation of compressible-flow phenomena

Theoretical calculations of the supersonic pressure distribution and wave drag for a limited family of tapered sweptback wings with symmetrical parabolic-arc sections at zero lift

Comparison between theory and experiment for wings at supersonic speeds

Comparison of fatigue strengths of bare and Alclad 24S-T3 aluminum-alloy sheet specimens tested at 12 and 1000 cycles per minute

Comparative foaming characteristics of aeronautical lubricating oils

Analysis of shear strength of honeycomb cores for sandwich constructions

Bending and buckling of rectangular sandwich plates

Comparison of model and full-scale spin test results for 60 airplane designs

Analysis of factors influencing the stability characteristics of symmetrical twin-intake Air-induction systems

Compressive properties of titanium sheet at elevated temperatures

Analysis of effect of variations in primary variables on time constant and turbine-inlet-temperature overshoot of turbojet engine

The boundary-layer and stalling characteristics of the NACA 64A010 airfoil section

Boundary-layer transition on a cooled 20 degree cone at Mach numbers of 1.5 and 2.0

Effect of variation in rivet diameter and pitch on the average stress at maximum load for 24S-T3 and 75S-T6 aluminum-alloy, flat, Z-stiffened panels that fail by local instability

Effect of tunnel configuration and testing technique on cascade performance

Determination of the rate of roll of pilotless aircraft research models by means of polarized radio waves

Effect of valve overlap and compression ratio on variation of measured performance with exhaust pressure of aircraft cylinder and on computed performance of compound power plant

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