Browse TRAIL Inventories

The application of hydraulic fracturing in the recovery of oil by waterflooding :a summary

Computing volume of helium in cylindrical steel containers

Three waterflooding projects and a pressure-maintenance project in Butler and Cowley counties, Kans., 1963

Oil recovery by miscible-phase displacement :a bibliography

Review of fire and explosion hazards of flight vehicle combustibles

Magnesium and magnesium compounds :a materials survey

Lake Superior iron resources :further metallurgical evaluation of Mesabi Range nonmagnetic taconites (reduction roasting and magnetic separation)

Investigations of stresses in a drill bit and rock under static loads

Effect of indium on the solid solubility of calcium and of silicon in magnesium

Heats and free energies of formation of barium oxide and strontium oxide

High-temperature heat contents and entropies of the sesquioxides of erbium, holmium, thulium, and ytterbium

Vapor-liquid equilibria for a helium-nitrogen-methane system

Recovery of low-silica cryolite from siliceous fluoride offgases

Experiments in using an electrochemical cell to analyze high- purity iron

An improved gravimetric method for analyzing blast furnace top gas

Flotation of ilmenite from Virginia saprolite and unweathered diorite ores

Heats and free energies of formation of vanadium nitride and vanadium carbide

Gas explosion hazards associated with the bulk storage of molten sulfur

Physical structure of Green River oil shale from Colorado

Recovery of beryllium from Spor Mountain, Utah, ore by solvent extraction and caustic stripping

Pressure forming of aluminum oxide

Thermal expansion of the oxides of yttrium, cerium, samarium, europium, and dysprosium

Replica electron microscopic method for measuring Knoop hardness indentations

Analysis of high-purity vanadium by optical emission spectrography

Low-temperature phase equilibria of helium-bearing natural gases :hansford gas

Performance of a losch anthracite stoker in building-heating service

Reaction rate of titanium and titanium subchlorides in molten sodium chloride

Chemical and physical beneficiation of Florida phosphate slimes

Noise from pneumatic rock drills :measurement and significance

Analyses of brines from oil-productive formations in Mississippi and Alabama

Design and development of precast concrete mine supports :a progress report

Thermodynamic properties of cesium chloride and cesium iodide from 0⁰ to 300⁰ K.

Recovery of beryllium from Utah ore by the fluosilicate process

An inclined-piston deadweight pressure gage

Low-temperature heat capacities and entropies at 298.15⁰ K of monomolybdates of sodium, magnesium, and calcium

Electrolytic methods of preparing cell feed for electrorefining titanium

Differential sulfatizing process for the recovery of ferrograde manganese

Separation and recovery of cobalt and nickel by solvent extraction and electrorefining

Thermodynamic properties of yttrium metal and iron pentacarbonyl at high temperatures

Experiments in fused-salt electrolysis of tungsten

Treating beryl-spodumene concentrates containing 10 to 30 percent beryl by the fluosilicate process

Vibrations from instantaneous and millisecond-delayed quarry blasts

Flotation of siegenite in a complex sulfide table middling from southeast Missouri

Bovill Clay and Sand Deposit, Latah County, Idaho: Geology, Minerology, and Beneficiation Tests

Design and Applications of Some Mathematical Models for Mine-Systems Analysis

Underground Combustion Oil-Recovery Experiment in the Venango First Sand, Warren County, Pennsylvania

Statistical Analysis of Churn-Drill and Diamond-Drill Sample Data from the San Manuel Copper Mine, Arizona

Lithology and Reservoir Properties of the Big Lime, Keener, Big Injun, Weir, and Berea Horizons, Spruce Creek Oilfield, Ritchie County, West Virginia

Properties of Compounds in Coal-Carbonization Products

Mining Practices at Four Uranium Properties in the Gas Hills, Wyoming

Published Year



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