Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
An Empirical Method for Estimating Trailing-Edge Loads at Transonic Speeds
Tests of the NACA 64-010 and 64A010 Airfoil Sections at High Subsonic Mach Numbers
Investigation of Fretting by Microscopic Observation
Initial Experiments on Flutter of Unswept Cantilever Wings at Mach Number 1.3
High-Speed Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Sweptback Wing With an Added Triangular Area at the Center
General Theory of Aerodynamic Instability and the Mechanism of Flutter
A Statistical Study of Wave Conditions at Four Open-Sea Localities in the North Pacific Ocean
Ambient Pressure Determination at High Altitudes by Use of Free-Molecule Theory
Critical Stress of Ring-Stiffened Cylinders in Torsion
Vibration Survey of Blades in 10-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor 1: Static Investigation
Flow Measurement by Means of Light Interference
Gas Motion in a Local Supersonic Region and Conditions of Potential-Flow Breakdown
Heat Transmission in the Boundary Layer
Jet Diffusion in Proximity of a Wall
Lift Force of an Arrow-Shaped Wing
Report on Investigation of Developed Turbulence
General Characteristics of a Airspeed System using Fuselage Static Vents on a Swept-Wing Airplane
Free-Spinning-Tunnel Investigation of a 1/20-Scale Model of the McDonnell XF2H-1 Airplane
The Compressible Flow Past Various Plane Profiles Near Sonic Velocity
Computation of Thin-Walled Prismatic Shells
Constant-Pressure Combustion Charts Including Effects of Diluent Addition
Contribution to the Problem of Flow at High Speed
Altitude Performance of AN-F-58 Fuels in British Rolls-Royce Nene Single Combustor
Altitude-Test-Chamber Investigation of McDonnell Afterburner on J34 Engine
Measurement of Oil-Film Pressures in Journal Bearings under Constant and Variable Loads
On the Motions of an Oscillating System Under the Influence of Flip-Flop Controls
Two-Dimensional Compressible Flow in Turbomachines With Conic Flow Surfaces