Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Characteristics of Low-Aspect-Ratio Wings at Supercritical Mach Numbers
Calculation of Counterrotating Propellers
Behavior of the Laminar Boundary Layer for Periodically Oscillating Pressure Variation
Compression Shocks in Two-Dimensional Gas Flows
Moments of Cambered Round Bodies
Observations of Icing Conditions Encountered in Flight During 1948
Remarks Concerning the Behavior of the Laminar Boundary Layer in Compressible Flows
Shear Buckling of Infinitely Long Simply Supported Metalite Type Sandwich Plates
Provisional Symbols and Definitions for Aircraft Turbines
Application of Radial-Equilibrium Condition to Axial-Flow Compressor and Turbine Design
The Response of Pressure Measuring Systems to Oscillating Pressures
Notes on the Foundations of the Theory of Small Displacements of Orthotropic Shells
Critical Combinations of Shear and Direct Axial Stress for Curved Rectangular Panels
Theory of the Inlet and Exhaust Processes of Internal-Combustion Engines
Summary of Information Relating to Gust Loads on Airplanes
On Compressibility Corrections for Subsonic Flow Over Bodies of Revolution
Observations on the Maximum Average Stress of Flat Plates Buckled in Edge Compression
Thermodynamic Charts for Internal-Combustion-Engine Fluids
Elastic Buckling of Outstanding Flanges Clamped at One Edge and Reinforced by Bulbs at Other Edge
On Internal Damping of Rotating Beams
Office of Naval Research and NACA Metallurgical Investigation of a Large Forged Disc of S-816 Alloy
Flight Investigation in Climb and at High Speed of a Two-Blade and a Three-Blade Propeller
Matrix Methods for Calculating Cantilever-Beam Deflections
Reinforced Circular Cutouts in Plane Sheets
Summary of the Availability and Performance Problems of High Octane Number Fuels
Preliminary Investigation of 3-Inch Slotted Transonic Wind-Tunnel Test Sections
Spin-Tunnel Investigation of the Jettisoning of External Fuel Tanks in Spins
Bibliography of Classified Aircraft-Fire Literature
Pressure Distributions on Thin Conical Body of Elliptic Cross Section at Mach Number 1.89
Investigation of Performance of Typical Inlet Stage of Multistage Axial-Flow Compressor