Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Preliminary full-scale investigation of a 1/3-scale model of a convertible-type airplane
Lateral and directional stability and control characteristics of a C-54D airplane
Downwash in vortex region behind trapezoidal-wing tip at Mach number 1.91
Analytical determination of effect of water injection on power output of turbine-propeller engine
Carbon deposition from AN-F-58 fuels in a J33 single combustor
Analysis and experimental observation of pressure losses in ram-jet combustion chambers
An analysis of a highly compounded two-stroke-cycle compression-ignition engine
Evaluation of piston-type gas-generator engine for subsonic transport operation.
Effects of Mach number and sweep on the damping-in-roll characteristics of wings of aspect ratio 4
Estimated transonic flying qualities of a tailless airplane based on a model investigation
Estimation of the forces and moments acting on inclined bodies of revolution of high fineness ratio
Experimental investigation of pressure fluctuations in 3.6 inch ram jet at Mach number 1.92
Experimental investigation of rim cracking in disks subjected to high temperature gradients
Comparison of flight performance of AN-F-58 and AN-F-32 fuels in J35 turbojet engine
Experimental study of loop-scavenged compression-ignition cylinder for gas-generator use
Study of compressor systems for a gas-generator engine
Investigation of Aerodynamic and Icing Characteristics of Recessed Fuel-Vent Configurations
Investigation of Icing Characteristics of Typical Light Airplane Engine Induction Systems
An Electric Thrust Meter Suitable for Flight Investigation of Propellers
A Simple Method of Estimating the Subsonic Lift and Damping in Roll of Sweptback Wings
Physical Properties at Elevated Temperature of Seven Hot-Pressed Ceramics
Strength and Creep Characteristics of Ceramic Bodies at Elevated Temperatures
An Analysis of the Transition of a Helicopter From Hovering to Steady Autorotative Vertical Descent
An Analytical Study of the Steady Vertical Descent in Autorotation of Single-Rotor Helicopters
Effects of Several Design Variables on Turbine-Wheel Weight
The Longitudinal Stability of Elastic Swept Wings at Supersonic Speed