Browse TRAIL Inventories

Two matrix methods for calculating forcing functions from known responses

Linear theory of boundary effects in open wind tunnels with finite jet lengths

Linearized compressible-flow theory for sonic flight speeds

Investigations relating to the extension of laminar flow by means of boundary-layer suction through slots

Plastic buckling of simply supported compressed plates

Plastic buckling of extruded composite sections in compression

The influence of blade-width distribution on propeller characteristics

Effect of hull length-beam ratio on the hydrodynamic characteristics of flying boats in waves

An introduction to the physical aspects of helicopter stability

Plastic buckling of a long flat plate under combined shear and longitudinal compression

Stresses in and general instability of monocoque cylinders with cutouts VIII : calculation of the buckling load of cylinders with long symmetric cutout subjected to pure bending

Approximate method for predicting form and location of detached shock waves ahead of plane or axially symmetric bodies

Wind-tunnel investigation of the opening characteristics, drag, and stability of several hemispherical parachutes

Flutter of a uniform wing with an arbitrarily placed mass according to a differential-equation analysis and a comparison with experiment

Comparison of the structural efficiency of panels having straight-web and curved-web Y-section stiffeners

Design and calibration of a total-temperature probe for use at supersonic speeds

Data on the Compressive Strength of 75S-T6 Aluminum-Alloy Flat Panels with Longitudinal Extruded Z-Section Stiffeners

Data on the Compressive Strength of 75S-T6 Aluminum-Alloy Flat Panels Having Small, Thin, Widely Spaced, Longitudinal Extruded Z-Section Stiffeners

The application of airfoil studies to helicopter rotor design

Boundary-layer and stalling characteristics of the NACA 63-009 airfoil section

An analysis of the effect of lift-drag ratio and stalling speed on landing-flare characteristics

Elastic and plastic buckling of simply supported metalite type sandwich plates in compression

Recommended Values of Meteorological Factors to Be Considered in the Design of Aircraft Ice-Prevention Equipment

Effect of increase in afterbody length on the hydrodynamic qualities of a flying-boat hull of high length-beam ratio

A mathematical theory of plasticity based on the concept of slip

Response of a helicopter rotor to oscillatory pitch and throttle movements

Investigation at low speeds of the effect of aspect ratio and sweep on rolling stability derivatives of untapered wings

Gust-tunnel investigation of a wing model with semichord line swept back 30 degrees

The effects of aerodynamic brakes upon the speed characteristics of airplanes

Direct-reading design charts for 24S-T aluminum-alloy flat compression panels having longitudinal straight-web Y-section stiffeners

Theoretical analysis of oscillations of a towed cable

A study of stall phenomena on a 45 degree swept-forward wing

Overbalancing in residual-liquidation computations

Comparison of over-all impact loads obtained during seaplane landing tests with loads predicted by hydrodynamic theory

Flow studies in the asymmetric adjustable nozzle of the Ames 6-by 6-foot supersonic wind tunnel

Investigation of internal regenerative fuel-heating system for 20-inch ram jet

Investigation of a thin wing of aspect ratio 4 in the Ames 12-foot pressure wind tunnel IV : the effect of a constant-chord leading-edge flap at high subsonic speeds

Investigation of extensible wing-tip ailerons on an untapered semispan wing at 0 degree and 45 degrees sweepback

Investigation of a thin wing of aspect ratio 4 in the Ames 12-foot pressure wind tunnel V : static longitudinal stability and control throughout the subsonic speed range of a semispan model of a supersonic airplane

The effects of scale and test technique on the validity of small-scale measurements of the aerodynamic characteristics of a wing with the leading edge swept back 63 degrees

Investigation of a thin straight wing of aspect ratio 4 by the NACA wing-flow method: Lift and pitching-moment characteristics of the wing alone

Investigations of an annular diffuser-fan combination handling rotating flow

Investigation of several clamshell variable-area exhaust nozzles for turbojet engines

Method of determining centrifugal-flow-compressor performance with water injection

Wing-tunnel investigation at low transonic speeds of the effects of number of wings on the lateral-control effectiveness of an RM-5 test vehicle

Analysis of measured pressures on airfoils at Mach numbers near 1

A preliminary experimental investigation of a submerged cascade inlet

Preliminary experimental investigation of effects of aerodynamic shape of concentrated weights on flutter of a straight cantilever wing

Preliminary investigation of a variable mass-flow supersonic nose inlet

Wind-tunnel investigation of transonic aileron flutter

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