Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Deoxidation of blister copper by gaseous reduction
Beneficiation of refractory clay
The combined effects of friction and suspension in bolting bedded mine roof
Determination of stresses around an underground opening, Climax Molybdenum Mine, Colorado
Autoradiography of carbon and sulfur in titanium steels
Gasification of bituminous coal with oxygen in a pilot plant equipped for slurry feeding
Vibration damping capacity of various magnesium alloys
Fuel-oil injection in an experimental blast furnace
Heat of solution of cerium metal in hydrochloric acid
The effect of suspension in bolting bedded mine roof
Biaxial device for determining the modulus of elasticity of stress-relief cores
Hydrogasification of bituminous coals, lignite, anthracite, and char
Extraction of manganese from low-grade dolomitic materials by a roast-leach process
Electric furnace smelting of offgrade domestic manganese ores and concentrates
Sampling of Lynch Creek beryllium-tungsten prospect, Lander County, Nev.
Flotation of northeast Birmingham, Ala., hematite ores
Hydrogenation of pitch from low-temperature carbonization of coal
Prereduced iron ore pellets :a new blast furnace raw material
Preparation characteristics of coal from Nicholas County, W. Va.
Use of a large-diameter auger in mining pitching anthracite beds
Spectrochemical determination of beryllium in mineral beneficiation products
Hydrogen as a retaining ion for rare-earth separation by ion exchange with EDTA and DCTA
Laboratory studies of variables in rotary drilling
Biological formation of flammable atmospheres
Quantitative determination of trace metals in crude oils by x-ray spectrography
Differential sulfatization of a Georgia manganiferous iron ore
Flammability in air of solvent mixtures containing methyl ethyl ketone and tetrahydrofuran
Explosion hazards of diethyl ether
Chloridization of certain mineral sulfides
Effects of stress relief and other changes in stress on the physical properties of rock
Thermal decomposition of five salts of praseodymium, neodymium, and samarium
Resources for making expanded aggregate in western Washington and Oregon
Factors influencing the design of hydraulic backfill systems (in two parts).
A method of determining dynamic tensile strength of rock at minimum loading
Flotation of spodumene from pegmatites of Cleveland County, N.C.
Electrowinning molten lanthanum from lanthanum oxide
Mg0-MgF₂-Si0₂ system at two levels of Li₂0 and Na₂0
Titanium-iridium phase diagram
Preparation of columbium and tantalum by metallic reduction of their chlorides
Application of rapid methods for analyzing coal ash and related materials
Recovery of zinc from ammoniacal-ammonium sulfate leach solutions
Underground gasification of coal with oxygen-enriched air
Use of various salts as copper-volatilizing agents in the segregation process
Oxygen analysis of mixed fluoride salts
Metallurgical studies of rhodonite ores, Silverton district, Colorado (in three parts).