Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Proposed method for reducing mineral waste in the Wisconsin zinc district, Wisconsin
Metal-mine accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1920
Quarry accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1920
Inclusions in aluminum-alloy sand castings
Preparation of light aluminum-copper casting alloys
Coke-oven accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1921
Operation and maintenance of electrical equipment approved for permissibility by the Bureau of Mines
Economic combustion of waste fuels
The use of electrolytes in the purification and preparation of clays
Survey of Pacific Coast petroleum products
Use of bituminous coal in househeating furnaces
Use of the churn drill at lime-plant quarries
Coal-Dust Explosion Tests in the Experimental Mine 1913-1918, Inclusive
Safe Mechanical Equipment for Use in Shaft Sinking
Recent Progress in the Thawing of Frozen Gravel in Placer Mining
Electric Brass Furnace Practice
Natural Gas Manual for the Home
Use of geophone in locating compressed-air leaks
Storage and transportation of Portland cement :with a bibliography
Why miners' portable electric lamps require safety devices
Electric Brass Furnace Practice
Recovery of Gasoline From Uncondensed Still Vapors
Accidents at metallurgical works in the United States :during the calendar year 1920
Coal-mine fatalities in the United States, 1921
Permissible explosives, mining equipment, and apparatus, approved prior to March 15, 1922
The Analytical Distillation of Petroleum and its Products
Evaporation Loss of Petroleum in the Mid-Continent Field
Fusibility of Ash from Coals of the United States
Analyses of Mine and Car Samples of Coal Collected in the Fiscal Years 1916 to 1919
Experimental Production of Alloy Steels
Prospecting and Testing for Oil and Gas
Lessons From the Granite Mountain Shaft Fire, Butte
Drilling and Dustiness of Metal-Mine Air
Carbon Black--its Manufacture, Properties and Uses
Preparation and Uses of Tar and its Simple Crude Derivatives
Oil-Shale: An Historical, Technical, and Economic Study
Bureau of Mines investigates gold in oil shales and its possible recovery