Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Secondary nonferrous metals industry in California :with data on Nevada and Hawaii
Sand and gravel operations and costs, Construction Aggregates Corp., Ferrysburg, Mich.
Survey of research on thermal stability of petroleum jet fuels
Use of high-speed data reduction and processing in the mineral industry
Methods in driving the 5490 railroad tunnel, Kennecott Copper Corp., Salt Lake County, Utah
Yieldable steel arches and yieldable steel ring supports in metal mines
An economic analysis of underground gasification of coal
Bibliography of zirconium :supplement to information circulars 7771 and 7830
Injury experience in the nonmetal industries (except stone and coal), 1958
Processes for recovering sulfur from secondary source materials,
Evaluating raw materials for rotary-kiln production of lightweight aggregate
Changing trends in the use of coke in the United States
Bibliography of Bureau of Mines investigations of coal and its products, 1910-60
Minerals in Japan's industrial economy
Methods for producing dimension stone, Crab Orchard Stone Co., Inc., Cumberland County, Tenn.
Instruction handbook: fundamentals of accident prevention for coal-mine supervisors.
The Pacific Northwest steel industry,
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal :collected during fiscal year 1961
Mount Eddy and Shasta View asbestos deposits, Siskiyou County, Calif.
Concentration of pollucite ores
A preferential stain for beryl
Field test for tellurium and selenium
Computing ore reserves by the polygonal method using a medium-size digital computer
Washability of coals from the Matanuska Valley and Beluga River fields, Alaska
Some nonmetallic mineral resources for Alaska's construction industry
Recovery of mineral values in cupriferous and nickeliferous pyrrhotite
Studies of anhydrous methods for extracting beryllium from low- grade ores
Lead-silver deposits in the Omilak area, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
Trenching and sampling of the rhyolite mercury prospect, Kuskokwim River Basin, Alaska
Hafnium content of domestic and foreign zirconium minerals
Metallurgical investigations of Philippine nickeliferous ores
Performance of tables in cleaning Alaska coals
Radioactive waste disposal in the Shiprock-type uranium milling flowsheet
Electron micrographs of some unusual inorganic fibers
Properties of palygorskite, an asbestiform mineral
Disposal of liquid waste in the resin-in-pulp-type uranium milling flowsheet
Methods for producing alumina from clay :an evaluation of five hydrochloric acid processes
Performance of waterfloods in Wichita County, Tex.
Investigation of mercury-antimony deposits near Flat, Yukon River region, Alaska
Bacterial leaching of manganese ores
Trends and outlook in the Pacific Northwest aluminium industry