Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
A Theoretical Study of the Dynamic Properties of Helicopter-Blade Systems
On the Interpretation of Combined Torsion and Tension Tests of Thin-Wall Tubes
Buckling of a Long Square Tube in Torsion and Compression
Appreciation and Prediction of Flying Qualities
Standard Symbols for Helicopters
Symbols for Combustion Research
Minimum-Weight Design of Simply Supported Transversely Stiffened Plates Under Compression
Application of Statistical Methods to Study of Gas-Turbine Blade Failures
Effect of Screens in Wide-Angle Diffusers
Effect of Rotor-Blade Twist and Plan-Form Taper on Helicopter Hovering Performance
The Stability Derivatives of Low-Aspect-Ratio Triangular Wings at Subsonic and Supersonic SPeeds
Strength Tests of Shear Webs With Uprights Not Connected to the Flanges
Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Systematic Series of Modifications to a Flying-Boat Hull
Theoretical and Experimental Wing-Tip Accelerations of a Small Flying Boat During Landing Impacts
Influence of Tail Length Upon the Spin-Recovery Characteristics of a Trainer-Type-Airplane Model
Plastic Buckling of a Rectangular Plate Under Edge Thrusts
Dislocation Theory of the Fatigue of Metals
Stress and Distortion Measurements in a 45 Degree Swept Box Beam Subjected to Bending and to Torsion
Tensile, Fatigue, and Creep Properties of Forged Aluminum Alloys at Temperatures Up to 800 F
On Similarity Rules for Transonic Flows
Mechanical Properties of Five Laminated Plastics
High-Temperature Attack of Various Compounds on Four Heat-Resisting Alloys
A Study of Ceramic Coatings for High-Temperature Protection of Molybdenum
Stress-Strain and Elongation Graphs for Alclad Aluminum-Alloy 24S-T Sheet
Stress-Strain and Elongation Graphs for Alclad Aluminum-Alloy 24S-T81 Sheet
The Effect of Wind Bending Deflection on the Rolling Moment Due to Sideslip
A Device for Measuring Sonic Velocity and Compressor Mach Number
De-Icing Effectiveness of External Electric Heaters for Propeller Blades
Characteristics of Low-Aspect Ratio Wings at Supercritical Mach Numbers
Buckling Tests of Flat Rectangular Plates Under Combined Shear and Longitudinal Compression
Tensile and Compressive Properties of Laminated Plastics at High and Low Temperatures
Effect of Partial Wing Lift in Seaplane Landing Impact
Shear Flows in Multicell Sandwich Sections
Fracture Strength of 75S-T Aluminum Alloy Under Combined Stress