Browse TRAIL Inventories

Some thermodynamic values for four titanium halides

Radiochemical precipitation studies of rare-earth oxalates

Solution-flame photometric determination of lithium in lithium minerals

Low-temperature heat capacities and entropies at 298.15⁰ K. of diaspore, kaloinite, dickite, and halloysite

Electric smelting and gaseous refining of cement-copper precipitate

Experimental extraction of gold and silver from California and Nevada ores

Possible uses for bacteria in metallurgical operations

Bibliography of Bureau of Mines articles on thermodynamics of petroleum constituents and related compounds.

Waterborne wastes and water use by metal-processing industries in the Missouri River Basin, Kansas and Missouri,

Bureau of Mines publications on coal preparation, 1910-60

Conversion of coal to fluid fuels :abstracts of selected German patent applications

Continuous analysis of helium in natural gas by chromatography

Quadratic functions for copper radiation, 0⁰ to 180⁰ 2[theta]

Manganese deposits of New Mexico

Reconnaissance of selected pegmatite districts in north-central New Mexico

Use of high-expansion foam on a Pennsylvania coal-mine fire

Manganese deposits of eastern Arizona

Dust control in mining, tunneling, and quarrying in the United States, 1955 through 1957

Recommended procedures for mine hoist and shaft installation, inspection, and maintenance

Technology and use of lignite proceedings : Bureau of Mines-University of North Dakota Symposium, Grand Forks, N. Dak., April 1961

Administration of the Federal Coal-Mine Safety Act, 1952-60

Summary of mining and petroleum laws of the world

Radioactive inert gases as tracers for petroleum reservoir studies

Thermodynamic properties of aluminum nitride

Determining phosphorous in coal and coke :evaluation of volumetric, colormetric, and gravimetric methods

Chemical analysis and electrical resistivity of selected California oilfield waters

Low-temperature heat capacities and entropies at 298.15 degrees K. of three sodium vanadates

Applying modern instrumental techniques to oilfield water analysis

Characteristics of petroleum from the Powder River Basin, Wyo.

Reconnaissance of titanium resources, Kemper County, Miss.

Titanium-bearing deposits in South Texas

High-temperature heat content of uranium tetrafluoride

Refractory-clay deposits of Wyoming

Heats and free energies of formation of ferrites and aluminates of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and lithium

Heats of formation of cerium sesquioxide and bismuth sesquioxide by combustion calorimetry

Lake Superior iron resources :preliminary sampling and metallurgical evaluation of Mesabi Range nonmagnetic taconites

Particle statistics of infinite populations as applied to mine sampling

Heavy liquids and procedures for laboratory separation of minerals

Deformation of a borehole in rock

Semiquantitative spectrographic analysis of tungsten

Thermal behavior of manganese minerals in controlled atmospheres

Using a centrifuge for float-and-sink testing fine coal

Recovering cobalt and nickel from complex sulfide ores of southeastern Missouri

High temperature furnaces for x-ray diffractometers

Carbonizing properties of Wyoming coals

Beneficiating manganese oxide ores from the Butte-Philipsburg Federal Stockpile

Laboratory-scale casting furnace for high-melting-point metals

Design criteria for portable seismographs

Research on the hazards associated with the production and handling of liquid hydrogen

Susceptibility of organic compounds to tritium exchange labeling

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