Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Experimental Study of Effect of Vaneless-Diffuser Diameter on Diffuser Performance
Temperature Gradients in the Wing of a High-Speed Airplane During Dives From High Altitudes
Spray Characteristics of Four Flying-Boat Hulls as Affected by Length-Beam Ratio
X-Ray Diffraction Investigation of Minor Phases of 20 High-Temperature Alloys
Shear Lag in a Plywood Sheet-Stringer Combination Used for the Chord Member of a Box Beam
Effect of Local Boiling and Air Entrainment on Temperatures of Liquid-Cooled Cylinders
Effect of Preignition on Cylinder Temperatures, Pressures, Power Output, and Piston Failures
Effect of Shear Lag on Bending Vibration of Box Beams
Effect of Strength and Ductility on Burst Characteristics of Rotating Disks
Calculation of Uncoupled Modes and Frequencies in Bending or Torsion of Nonuniform Beams
Charts for the Analysis of One-Dimensional Steady Compressible Flow
Calibration of Altimeters Under Pressure Conditions Simulating Dives and Climbs
Investigation of Axial-Flow Fan and Compressor Rotors Designed for Three-Dimensional Flow
Flight Measurements of Buffeting Tail Loads
Knock-Limited Performance of Several Branched Paraffins and Olefins
Approximate Relations and Charts for Low-Speed Stability Derivatives of Swept Wings
An Analysis of the Variation With Altitude of Effective Gust Velocity in Convective-Type Clouds
Damping in pitch and roll of triangular wings at supersonic speeds
Tank tests of a 1/10-size model of a hypothetical flying boat with a hull length-beam ratio of 9.0
Tests of a 45 degree sweptback-wing model in the Langley gust tunnel
Effect of landing flaps and landing gear on the spin and recovery characteristics of airplanes
The buckling of a column on equally spaced deflectional and rotational springs
Effect of steady rolling on longitudinal and directional stability
Strength of thin-web beams with transverse load applied at an intermediate upright
A meteorological measure of maximum gust velocities in clouds
An evaluation of some approximate methods of computing landing stresses in aircraft