Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Buckling in shear of continuous flat plates
Buckling stresses of clamped rectangular flat plates in shear
The design of low-turbulence wind tunnels
Recommendations for numerical solution of reinforced-panel and fuselage-ring problems
Gust-tunnel investigation of a 45 degree sweptforward-wing model
Gust-tunnel tests to determine influence of airfoil section characteristics on gust-load factors
Calculation of tunnel-induced upwash velocities for swept and yawed wings
Graphical method of obtaining theoretical lift distributions on thin wings at supersonic speeds
A preliminary evaluation of the use of ground radar for the avoidance of turbulent clouds
Analysis of planing data for use in predicting hydrodynamic impact loads
A rapid compression machine suitable for studying short ignition delays
Effect of Simulated Service Conditions on Plastics During Accelerated and 2-Year Weathering Tests
High-speed aerodynamic characteristics of horn and overhang balances on a full-scale elevator
Investigation to determine contraction ratio for supersonic-compressor rotor
Investigation of spark gaps subjected to altitude and air velocity conditions
Preliminary investigation at low speeds of swept wings in yawing flow
Notes on geared tabs at supersonic speeds
An analytical method of estimating turbine performance
Calculated condenser performance for a steam turbine power plant for aircraft
An analysis of a piston-type gas-generator engine
Preliminary investigation of cone-type diffusers designed for minimum spillage at inlet
Effect of variation in fuel pressure on combustion performance of rectangular ram jet
An evaluation of air-borne radar as a means of avoiding atmospheric turbulence
A study of skin temperatures of conical bodies in supersonic flight
Additional Abstracts Pertaining to Seaplanes
AVA monographs. B: Boundary layer
Effects of Ice Formations on Airplane Performance in Level Cruising Flight
NACA: University Conference on Aerodynamics: A Compilation of the Papers Presented
Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Low-Drag, Planing-Tail Flying-Boat Hull
Icing and De-Icing of a Propeller with Internal Electric Blade Heaters
Determination of Stresses in Gas-turbine Disks Subjected to Plastic Flow and Creep
De-Icing Effectiveness of External Electric Heaters for Propeller Blades