Browse TRAIL Inventories

An exploratory investigation of the relative merits of split and chord-extension flaps on a 45 degrees swept-back wing

Investigation of effects of movable exhaust-nozzle plug on operational performance of 20-inch ram jet

Ditching tests of a 1/15-scale model of the Fairchild C-82 airplane

An investigation at low speed of a 51.3 degrees sweptback semispan wing with a raked tip and with 16.7-percent-chord ailerons having three spans and three trailing-edge angles

An investigation at low speed of a 51.3 degree sweptback semispan wing equipped with 16.7-percent-chord plain flaps and ailerons having various spans and three trailing-edge angles

Gas-turbine-engine operation with variable-area fuel nozzles

Ice protection of turbojet engines by inertia separation of water I : alternate-duct system

Ice protection of turbojet engines by inertia separation of water III : annular submerged inlets

Ice protection of turbojet engines by inertia separation of water II : single-offset-duct system

A limit pressure coefficient and an estimation of limit forces on airfoils at supersonic speeds

Determination of average heat-transfer coefficients for a cascade of symmetrical impulse turbine blades 1: heat transfer from blades to cold air

Design and performance of experimental axial-discharge mixed-flow compressor II : performance of impeller

Aerodynamic characteristics of a two-blade NACA 10-(3)(12)-03 propeller

Analysis of parameters for thrust control of a turbojet engine equipped with air-inlet throttle and variable-area exhaust nozzle

Aerodynamic characteristics of a two-blade NACA 10-(3)(08)-03R propeller

The effect of negative dihedral, tip droop, and wing-tip shape on the low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of a complete model having a 45 degrees sweptback wing

Evaluation of gust and draft velocities from flights of F-61C airplanes within thunderstorms August 21, 1947 to August 25, 1947 at Clinton County Army Air Field, Ohio

Evaluation of gust and draft velocities from flights of P-61C airplanes within thunderstorms July 31, 1947 to August 6, 1947 at Clinton County Army Air Field, Ohio

Evaluation of gust and draft velocities from flights of an AT-6 airplane within cumulus clouds July 1, 1947 to July 22, 1947 at Clinton County Army Air Field, Ohio

Experimental data concerning the effect of high heat-input rates on the pressure drop through radiator tubes

Aerodynamic characteristics at subsonic and supersonic Mach numbers of a thin triangular wing of aspect ratio 2 II : maximum thickness at midchord

Static longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a 52 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 2.88 at Reynolds numbers from 2,000,000 to 11,000,000

Study of stress states in gas-turbine disk as determined from measured operating-temperature distributions

Tests of a triangular wing of aspect ratio 2 in the Ames 12-foot pressure wind tunnel III : the effectiveness and hinge moments of a skewed wing-tip flap

Tests of a triangular wing of aspect ratio 2 in the Ames 12-foot pressure wind tunnel II : the effectiveness and hinge moments of a constant-chord plain flap

Effect of a nacelle on the low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of a swept-back wing

Investigation at supersonic speed (M = 1.53) of the pressure distribution over a 63 degrees swept airfoil of biconvex section at several angles of attack

Investigation at supersonic speed (M = 1.53) of the pressure distribution over a 63 degrees swept airfoil of biconvex section at zero lift

Tank spray tests of a jet-powered model fitted with NACA hydro-skis

Tests of the NACA 64(sub 1)-012 and 64(sub 1)A012 airfoils at high subsonic Mach numbers

Aerodynamic characteristics at high speeds of a two-blade NACA 10-(3)(062)-045 propeller and of a two-blade NACA 10-(3)(08)-045 propeller

Aerodynamic characteristics at high speeds of full-scale propellers having Clark Y blade sections

Low-speed pressure distributions over the drooped-nose flap of a 42 degrees sweptback wing with circular-arc airfoil sections at a Reynolds number of 5.3 x 10(exp 6)

Shear lag in axially loaded panels

A study of skin temperatures of conical bodies in supersonic flight

Effects of surface finish, of certain defects, and of repair of defects by welding on fatigue strength of 355-T6 sand-castings and effects of prior fatigue stressing on tensile properties

Dynamometer-stand investigation of the muffler used in the demonstration of light-airplane noise reduction

Effects of fuel-nozzle carbon deposition on combustion efficiency of single tubular-type, reverse-flow turbojet combustor at simulated altitude conditions

A general small-deflection theory for flat sandwich plates

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters XXVIII : Equations for Steady-State Temperature Distribution Caused by Thermal Sources in Flat Plates Applied to Calculation of Thermocouple Errors, Heat-meter Corrections, and Heat Transfer by Pin-fin Plates

Theoretical basic span loading characteristics of wings with arbitrary sweep, aspect ratio, and taper ratio

Take-off performance of light twin-float sea- planes

Theoretical evaluation of the ducted-fan turbojet engine

A theoretical investigation of the effect of yawing moment due to rolling on lateral oscillatory stability

Two-dimensional compressible flow in conical mixed-flow compressors

Two-dimensional unsteady lift problems in supersonic flight

Ultimate stresses developed by 24S-T and Alclad 75S-T aluminum-alloy sheet in incomplete diagonal tension

The inward bulge type buckling of monocoque cylinders IV : experimental investigation of cylinders subjected to pure bending

The inward bulge type buckling of monocoque cylinders V : revised strain energy theory which assumes a more general deflected shape at buckling

Low-speed wind-tunnel investigation of various plain-spoiler configurations for lateral control on a 42 degree sweptback wing

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