Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Cost estimates of liquid scrubbing processes for removing sulfur dioxide from flue gases
Thermodynamics of rare-earth compounds
Solution techniques in fluorescent x-ray spectrography
Use of sole-heated oven for studies of coal expansion and coke formation
Recent developments in spark ignition
Chemical analysis of a calcined kyanite from Kenya, East Africa
Electrowinning tungsten and associated molybdenum from scheelite
Economic aspects of producing pipeline gas, using Lurgi generators for gasifying bituminous char
Effect of common impurities on hardness of electrolytically refined titanium metal
Evaluation of a California Bentonitic Clay for Use in Oil-Well Drilling Muds
Exploration of Lead-Zinc Deposits in the Ross Basin-Lake Como Area, San Juan County, Colorado
Conversion of Nicaro Nickel Oxide to Nickel Metal
Reservoir-Oil Characteristics, Aneth Field, San Juan County, Utah
Titanium Minerals in the Heavy Sand Deposits of Assateague Island, Maryland
Tungsten Deposits of Yuma, Maricopa, Pinal, and Graham Counties, Arizona
Further Corrosion Tests on Materials in Regenerative Air Preheaters
Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis in a Fluidized Catalyst Reactor with a Nitrided, Fused-Iron Catalyst
Research and Technologic Work on Coal and Related Investigations, 1957
Mining Methods and Costs at the Anaconda Company Berkeley Pit, Butte, Montana
Methods and Costs of Mining Lignite in North Dakota
Uranium-Mining Practices and Costs at Ten Salt Wash Lease Operations of Union Carbide Nuclear Co.
Reconnaissance of Iron Occurrences in Colorado
Petroleum-Engineering Study of Muskogee Oilfield, Muskogee County, Oklahoma
Agglomeration Studies in the Low-Pressure Hydrogenation of Coal in a Fluidized Bed
Occurrence and Determination of Germanium in Coal Ash from Powerplants
Physical Chemistry of the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Operation of Experimental Plant for Producing Alumina from Anorthosite
Tungsten mining and milling in Boulder County, Colo.
Exploratory drilling practices and costs at western uranium deposits
Coal chemicals for world markets
Peat producers in the United States that reported production in 1959
Survey of oil production in West Virginia by waterflooding, 1959(in three parts) :
Training technical personnel for the mineral industries of the U.S.S.R.
Petroleum refineries, including cracking plants, in the United States, January 1, 1960
Fuel-briquetting and packaged fuel plants in the United States that reported production in 1959