Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Investigation of two pitot-static tubes at supersonic speeds
Ditching Tests of a 1/8-Scale Model of the Chance Vought XF6U-1 Airplane, TED No. NACA DE319
Performance of conical jet nozzles in terms of flow and velocity coefficients
Effect of centrifugal force on the elastic curve of a vibrating cantilever beam
An analytical method of estimating turbine performance
Analysis of Effects of Inlet Pressure Losses on Performance of Axial-Flow Type Turbojet Engine
Hydrodynamic Characteristics of an Aerodynamically Refined Planing-Tail Hull
Determination of stresses in gas-turbine disks subjected to plastic flow and creep
Performance investigation of can-type combustor 2: water injection at various stations in combustor
Empirical mode constants for calculating frequencies of axial-flow compressor blades
Control requirements and control parameters for a ram jet with variable-area exhaust nozzle
Accuracy of airspeed measurements and flight calibration procedures
Some effects of gutter flame-holder dimensions on combustion-chamber performance of 20-inch ram jet
Theoretical performance of some rocket propellants containing hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen
Comparison of two fuels in bumblebee 18-inch ram jet incorporating rake-type flame holder
Inlet Icing and Effectiveness of Hot-Gas Bleedback for Ice Protection of Turbojet Engine
Investigation of wing characteristics at a Mach number of 1.53 2: swept wings of taper ratio 0.5
Calculation of the aerodynamic loading of swept and unswept flexible wings of arbitrary stiffness
Ram-recovery characteristics of NACA submerged inlets at high subsonic speeds