Browse TRAIL Inventories

An experimental investigation of NACA submerged inlets at high subsonic speeds 1: inlets forward of the wing leading edge

Theoretical and experimental data for a number of NACA 6A-series airfoil sections

Velocity distributions on two-dimensional wing-duct inlets by conformal mapping

Photographic study of combustion in a rocket engine I : variation in combustion of liquid oxygen and gasoline with seven methods of propellant injection

Extension of Useful Operating Range of Axial-Flow Compressors by Use of Adjustable Stator Blades

Flight Investigation to Determine the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Rocket-Powered Models Representative of a Fighter-Type Airplane Configuration Incorporating an Inverse-Taper Wing and a Vee Tail

Study of effects of sweep on the flutter of cantilever wings

A fuel-distribution control for gas-turbine engines

Investigation of interaction effects arising from side-wall boundary layers in supersonic wind-tunnel tests of airfoils

Investigation of a variable Mach number supersonic tunnel with nonintersecting characteristics

Investigation of a thin wing of aspect ratio 4 in the Ames 12-foot pressure wind tunnel II : the effect of constant-chord leading- and trailing-edge flaps on the low-speed characteristics of the wing

Investigation of a thin wing of aspect ratio 4 in the Ames 12-foot pressure wind tunnel I : characteristics of a plain wing

Investigation of flow conditions and the nature of the wall-constriction effect near and at choking by means of the hydraulic analogy

An investigation of submerged air inlets on a 1/4-scale model of a typical fighter-type airplane

Investigation of performance of single-stage axial-flow compressor using NACA 5509-34 blade section

Investigation of performance of Bumblebee 18-inch ram jet with a can-type flame holder

Method for stress analysis of a swept propeller

Measurements of the chordwise pressure distributions over the wing of the XS-1 research airplane in flight

Performance of several air ejectors with conical mixing sections and small secondary flow rates

NACA Transonic Wing-Tunnel Test Sections

Preliminary correlation of the effect of compressibility on the location of the section aerodynamic center at subcritical speeds

Preliminary investigation of combustion in flowing gas with various turbulence promoters

Preliminary results of natural icing of an axial-flow turbojet engine

Preliminary survey of the aircraft fire problem

Wind-tunnel investigation of transonic aileron flutter of a semispan wing model with an NACA 23013 section

Langley full-scale tunnel investigation of the characteristics in yaw of a trapezoidal wing of aspect ratio 4 with circular-arc airfoil sections

Low-speed investigation of a small triangular wing of aspect ratio 2.0 III : static stability with twin vertical fins

Effect of airfoil profile of symmetrical sections on the low-speed static-stability and yawing derivatives of 45 degrees sweptback wing models of aspect ratio 2.61

The effects of high-lift devices on the low-speed stability of a tapered 37.5 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 3 in straight and rolling flow

Subsonic flight investigation of rectangular ram jet over range of altitudes

Aerodynamic characteristics at subsonic and supersonic Mach numbers of a thin triangular wing of aspect ratio 2 I : maximum thickness at 20 percent of the chord

A theoretical lateral-stability analysis of XC-120 airplane

Performance of 24-inch supersonic axial-flow compressor in air I : performance of compressor rotor at design tip speed of 1600 feet per second

Altitude-wind-tunnel investigation of thrust augmentation of a turbojet engine IV: performance with tail-pipe burning and water injection

High-speed wind-tunnel tests of a 1/78-scale model of the Lockheed YP-80A airplane

Equations for the design of two-dimensional supersonic nozzles

Flight Investigation of a 20-Inch-Diameter Steady-Flow Ram Jet

An experimental investigation at supersonic speeds of annular duct inlets situated in a region of appreciable boundary layer

Experimental investigation at supersonic speeds of twin-scoop duct inlets of equal area I : an inlet enclosing 61.5 percent of the maximum circumference of the forebody

Preliminary investigation of hydrazine as a rocket fuel

A comparison of the simulated-altitude performance of two turbojet combustor types

Control during starting of gas-turbine engines

Experimental investigation of the effects of support interference on the drag of bodies of revolution at a Mach number of 1.5

A flight investigation and analysis of the lateral-oscillation characteristics of an airplane

Theoretical analysis of the performance of a supersonic ducted rocket

An investigation of the downwash and wake behind large-scale swept and unswept wings

Vibration of turbine blades in a turbojet engine during operation

Investigation of the diborane - hydrogen peroxide propellant combination

Effect of three flame-holder configurations on subsonic flight performance of rectangular ram jet over range of altitudes

Experimental investigation of thrust augmentation of 4000-pound-thrust centrifugal-flow-type turbojet engine by injection of water and alcohol at compressor inlets

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