Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Theoretical and experimental data for a number of NACA 6A-series airfoil sections
Velocity distributions on two-dimensional wing-duct inlets by conformal mapping
Extension of Useful Operating Range of Axial-Flow Compressors by Use of Adjustable Stator Blades
Study of effects of sweep on the flutter of cantilever wings
A fuel-distribution control for gas-turbine engines
Investigation of a variable Mach number supersonic tunnel with nonintersecting characteristics
An investigation of submerged air inlets on a 1/4-scale model of a typical fighter-type airplane
Investigation of performance of single-stage axial-flow compressor using NACA 5509-34 blade section
Investigation of performance of Bumblebee 18-inch ram jet with a can-type flame holder
Method for stress analysis of a swept propeller
Performance of several air ejectors with conical mixing sections and small secondary flow rates
NACA Transonic Wing-Tunnel Test Sections
Preliminary investigation of combustion in flowing gas with various turbulence promoters
Preliminary results of natural icing of an axial-flow turbojet engine
Preliminary survey of the aircraft fire problem
Subsonic flight investigation of rectangular ram jet over range of altitudes
A theoretical lateral-stability analysis of XC-120 airplane
High-speed wind-tunnel tests of a 1/78-scale model of the Lockheed YP-80A airplane
Equations for the design of two-dimensional supersonic nozzles
Flight Investigation of a 20-Inch-Diameter Steady-Flow Ram Jet
Preliminary investigation of hydrazine as a rocket fuel
A comparison of the simulated-altitude performance of two turbojet combustor types
Control during starting of gas-turbine engines
A flight investigation and analysis of the lateral-oscillation characteristics of an airplane
Theoretical analysis of the performance of a supersonic ducted rocket
An investigation of the downwash and wake behind large-scale swept and unswept wings
Vibration of turbine blades in a turbojet engine during operation
Investigation of the diborane - hydrogen peroxide propellant combination