Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Determination of stresses in gas-turbine disks subjected to plastic flow and creep
Effect of reducing valve overlap on engine and compound-power-plant performance
Effect of Reynolds number in turbulent-flow range on flame speeds of Bunsen-burner flames
Evaluation of a fixed spoiler as a gust alleviator
Effect of longitudinal stiffeners on the buckling load of long flat plates under shear
Effects of nacelle position on wing-nacelle interference
Estimation of effectiveness of flap-type controls on sweptback wings
Experimental investigation of the effects of plastic flow in a tension panel with a circular hole
Tables of hypergeometric functions for use in compressible-flow theory
A statistical analysis of gust-velocity measurements as affected by pilots and airplanes
Some fundamental similarities between boundary-layer flow at transonic and low speeds
Sound from dual-rotating and multiple single-rotating propellers
Sound-level measurements of a light airplane modified to reduce noise reaching the ground
Properties of 19-9DL alloy bar stock at 1200 F
An experimental investigation of the design variables for NACA submerged duct entrances
Calibration of Air-Flow Meters for J33 Compressor Investigation
Design Data for Graphical Construction of Two-Dimensional Sharp-Edge-Throat Supersonic Nozzles
Performance Investigations of a Large Centrifugal Compressor from an Experimental Turbojet Engine
A general small-deflection theory for flat sandwich plates
Subsonic flow over thin oblique airfoils at zero lift
Linear theory of boundary effects in open wind tunnels with finite jet lengths
Equations for the design of two-dimensional supersonic nozzles
Pressure-sensitive system for gas-temperature control
Analysis of variation of piston temperature with piston dimensions and undercrown cooling
Theoretical symmetric span loading at subsonic speeds for wings having arbitrary plan form