Browse TRAIL Inventories

Upgrading cobalt-nickel stockpiles by the roast-flotation process

Secondary-recovery operations on the L. C. Bailey lease, Oil Springs pool, Magoffin County, Ky.

Change in calorific value and certain other properties of high-volatile bituminous-coal samples during storage

Diamond-bit performance in limestone and dolomite

Diamond-bit performance in sandstone

Laboratory carbonization assay of low-rank coals at low, medium, and high temperatures

Removing and recovering flourine from western phosphate rock and utilizing the deflourinated rock

Synthetic asbestos investigations :synthesis of fluoramphiboles from melts

Determination of calcium in wolframite concentrates by fluorescent x-ray spectrography

Auxiliary ventilation of continuous miner places

Petroleum-engineering study of water injection in upper HX, fault block V-B, Wilmington field, California

Operating results with the feldspar fine-coal jig

Electrorefining of titanium from binary alloys

Chloride volatilization of oxidized lead ore from Eureka, Nevada

Strength of steel roof bolts after repeated bending

Spectrographic determination of beryllium in a variable matrix

Method of determining the strength of a mine roof

Preparation characteristics of coal from Dickenson County, Va.

A study of the feasibility of hydraulic transport of a Texas lignite

Diamond-bit performance in cherty limestone and cherty dolomite

Diamond-bit performance in quartzite

Carbonizing properties of McDowell County, W. Va., coals

Preliminary studies in chlorinating titaniferous slags from Idaho ilmenite

Oil-Shale mine, Rifle, Colo. :a review of design factors

Trap for removing ferric chloride from titanium tetrachloride

Preparation characteristics of coal from Greene County, Pa.

Electric-furnace smelting of east Texas iron ores :a progress report

Cable-tool coring with oil-base mud in Appalachian oilfields

Chemical and galvanic corrosion properties of titanium alloys

Direct evaluation of water sensitivity of reservoir rocks

Generating preflux solutions from galvanizers' sal skimmings

Lurgi-gasifier tests of Pennsylvania anthracite

Studies with high-expansion foams for controlling experimental-coal-mine fires :a progress report

Better coke by thermal pretreatment of coal :Results for Illinois No. 6-, Pittsburgh-, and Mason-bed coals

Investigation of Manganese Areas, Hammond Plantation and Hodgdon Townships, Southern District, Aroostook County, Maine

Practical Evaluation of Electrical-Resistivity Surveys as a Guide to Zinc-Lead Exploratory Drilling, Badger-Peacock Camp and Vicinity, Cherokee County, Kansas

Reconnaissance of the Beluga River Coalfield, Alaska

Thermal Pretreatment and Pelletizing of North Dakota Lignite

Causes of Roof-Fall Fatalities in Anthracite and Bituminous-Coal Mines, 1955 and 1956

Mining and Water-Control Methods at the Chief Lead-Zinc Mine, Chief Consolidated Mining Co., Juab County, Utah

Mining Inclined Beds of Phosphate Rock, San Francisco Chemical Co. Mines, Rich County, Utah

Lode-Tin Mining at Lost River, Seward Peninsula, Alaska

General Properties of Low-Temperature Tar

Helium-Bearing Natural Gases of the United States: Analyses and Analytical Methods, Supplement to Bulletin 486

Analyses of Washington Coals: Supplement to Technical Papers 491 and 618

Index of Oil-Shale and Shale-Oil Patents, 1946-56: A Supplement to Bulletins 467 and 468: (In Three Parts) [Part 1]. United States Patents

Index of Oil-Shale and Shale-Oil Patents, 1946-56: A Supplement to Bulletins 467 and 468: (In Three Parts) [Part 2]. United Kingdom Patents

Laboratory and Full-Scale Sulfur Elimination Tests on Coal from Pratt Bed, Alabama

The Mineral Industry of Turkey

Historical summary of coal-mine explosions in the United States

Published Year



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