Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Lateral Stability Characteristics of a 1/8.33-Scale Powered Model of the Republic XF-12 Airplane
Simulated Altitude Performance of Combustors for the 24C Jet Engine: 2: 24C-4 Combustor
An experimental investigation of the design variables for NACA submerged duct entrances
Air-flow surveys in the vicinity of representative NACA 1-series cowlings
Theoretical Comparison of Several Methods of Thrust Augmentation for Turbojet Engines
Performance of J-33-A-21 and J-33-A-23 Compressors with and without Water Injection
Tank Tests of a Powered Model of a Compression Plane, NACA Model 171A-2
Calculations of the Dynamic Stress of Several Airplane Wings in Various Gusts
Comparison of Drop and Wind-Tunnel Experiments on Bomb Drag at High Subsonic Speeds
The Influence of the Diameter Ratio on the Characteristics Diagram of the Axial Compressor
Measurements on Compressor-Blade Lattices
Simulated Altitude Performance of Combustor of Westinghouse 19XB-1 Jet-Propulsion Engine
Simulated Altitude Performance of Combustors for the Westinghouse 24C Jet Engine I-24C-2 Combustor
Free-flight investigation of 16-inch diameter supersonic ram-jet unit
De-Icing Effectiveness of External Electric Heaters for Propeller Blades
Preliminary Results of Natural Icing of an Axial-Flow Turbojet Engine
Natural icing of an axial-flow turbojet engine in flight for a single icing condition
An investigation of fretting corrosion under several conditions of oxidation
Bearing tests of 14S sheet and plate
Flow of a compressible fluid past a symmetrical airfoil in a wind tunnel and in free air