Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Progress report on pegmatite investigations in South Dakota for fiscal years 1954-56
Caustic leaching of manganese flotation concentrate from Artillery Peak, Ariz.
Leach-precipitation-flotation tests of a California copper-gold ore
The Miners Queen copper deposit, Skamania County, Wash.
X-ray emission spectrographic analysis of bastnaesite rare earths
Storage and cataloging of drill core by the Bureau of Mines
Effectiveness of Bleeder Entries in Ventilating Pillared Areas of Bituminous-Coal Mines
Investigation of Tuffs Near Lysite, Wyoming for Selenium
Copper Mines and Prospects Adjacent to Landlocked Bay, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Production of Crude Ammonia-Synthesis Gas from North Dakota Lignite in an Annular-Retort Gasifier
Survey of Fire-Fighting Facilities at Coal Mines
Beneficiation of Iron-Copper Ores from Kasaan Peninsula, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska
Low-Temperature Carbonization Assays of North American Coals
National Motor-Gasoline Survey: Winter 1956-57
National Motor-Gasoline Survey: Summer 1956
Molybdenum: A Materials Survey
Accidents from explosives at metal and nonmetallic mines
American Standard Recommended Practice for Drainage of Coal Mines (M6.1-1955, UDC 622.5)
Development of the Fischer-Tropsch Oil-Recycle Process
Combustion of Solid Fuels in Thin Beds
Micro-Seismic Method of Determining the Stability of Underground Openings
Fires, gases, and ventilation in metal and nonmetallic mines
Characteristics and Analyses of Ninety-Two Colorado Crude Oils
A Convenient Table for Determining Metastable Transitions in Mass Spectra
Volatilization of tin chlorides from slime
Examination of copper-lead-zinc deposits, Cabarrus and Union Counties, N.C.
Relationship of composition to thermal stability in the huebnerite-ferberite series of tungstates
Analyses of crude oils from 470 important oilfields in the United States
Phosphate rock(in two parts) :
Shaft-sinking methods and costs at the T.L. Shaft, Eureka Corp., Eureka, Nev.
Block caving in limestone at the Crestmore Mine, Riverside Cement Co., Riverside, Calif.
Chemical solidification of soil in tunneling at a Minnesota iron-ore mine
Coal-mine ventilation without doors to control main air currents
Fuel-briquetting plants in the United States that reported production in 1956
Spodumene :major source of lithium
Engineering control of health and safety hazards in uranium mines
Roof-bolt recovery in the middle west
Manganese deposits of western Arizona
Coke plants in the United States as of December 31, 1957
Bibliography of zirconium :supplement to information circular 7771
Peat producers in the United States that reported production in 1956