Browse TRAIL Inventories

Full-shift dust exposure in some bituminous-coal mines

Tin-bearing placer deposits near Tofty, Hot Springs District, central Alaska

Mining and milling methods and costs, Tri-State Zinc, Inc., Jo Daviess County, Ill.

Preparation characteristics of coal from Lee County, Va.

Titanium;a materials survey.

Laboratory evaluation of water additives for petroleum displacement

Sodium sulfate deposits along the southeast shore of Great Salt Lake, Salt Lake and Tooele Counties, Utah

Mining methods and costs at the Hayden Creek Mine of St. Joseph Lead Co., St. Francois County, Mo.

Experiments on water infusion in the experimental coal mine

A mineral-dressing study of manganese deposits of the Batesville, Ark. district

Percolation leaching of manganese ores with sulfur dioxide

Modified longwall mining with German coal planers :summary of operations at five coal mines

National annual survey of aviation fuels, 1956

Bureau of Mines approval system for respiratory protective devices :(revision of I.C. 7600)

National annual diesel-fuel survey, 1956

Petroleum refineries, including cracking plants in the United States, January 1, 1957

Natural-gasoline and cycling plants in the United States, January 1, 1956

Injury experience in the metal and nonmetal industries, 1954 :detailed analysis of safety factors and related employment data ; and, Unpublished statistics for 1943-53

A reconnaissance of sulfur resources in Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona

Safety plan at Ray Mines Division, Kennecott Copper Corp., Ray, Arizona

Mining methods and costs at the Westside Mine of the Eagle-Picher Co., Cherokee County, Kans.

Use of prestressed precast shaft supports, Banner Mine, Lordsburg, N. Mex.

Methods and costs of deepening the Crescent shaft, Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining and Concentrating Company, Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho

Studies on the development and control of coal-dust explosions in mines

Some recent developments in waterflooding in Washington County, Okla., 1956-57

Mining methods and practices at the Johnson Camp Copper-Zinc Mine, Coronado Copper & Zinc Co., Cochise County, Arizona.

Report of Bureau of Mines research and technologic work on coal and related investigations, 1955

Mining and milling methods and costs, Ozark Ore Co., Iron Mountain Iron-Ore Mine, St. Francois County, Mo.

Mining methods and costs, Calyx Nos. 3 and 8 Uranium Mines, Temple Mountain District, Emery County, Utah

Thickness of bituminous-coal and lignite seams at all mines and thickness of overburden at strip mines in the United States in 1955

Mining, processing, and costs :Idaho Almaden mercury mine, Washington County, Idaho

Physical properties of low-boiling phenols :a literature survey

The use of a nonionic detergent and citric acid for improving cleanout procedures of water-input wells in secondary oil-recovery projects

Mining methods and costs, Continental Uranium, Inc., Continental No. 1 Mine, San Juan County, Utah

Bibliography of zirconium

Review of coal supplies and requirements in Western European and Soviet Bloc countries, 1955 and 1956

Administration of the Federal Coal-Mine Safety Act, calendar year 1956

Report of research and technologic work on explosives, explosions, and flames :fiscal years 1953 and 1954

Recommended safety standards for shaft sinking :1957

State regulations pertaining to the use of internal-combustion engines underground

Mining methods and practices at the Mineral Hill Copper Mine, Banner Mining Co., Pima County, Ariz.

Bibliography on extractive metallurgy of nickel and cobalt, January 1929-July 1955.

Auxiliary and supplemental mine rescue equipment

The role of viscosity in dense-medium coal cleaning

Carbonizing properties of Raleigh County, W. Va., coals

Vapor pressures of liquid iron and liquid nickel

Iowa coals as a source of sulfur

Electrorefining titanium metal

Low temperature tar from fluidized carbonizing reactors

Bulk sampling by diamond drilling :Dudley manganese deposit, Northern District, Aroostook County, Maine

Published Year



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