Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Wood Versus Metal in Airplane Construction
Damping Coefficients Due to Tail Surfaces in Aircraft
General Theory of Thin Wing Sections
New Albatross Commercial Airplane "L 58"
Wind-Driven Propellers (Or "Windmills")
My Experience With Helicopters
Possible Improvements in Gasoline Engines
Soaring Without Rising Currents
Wind Tunnel of Zeppelin Airship Company
Rules and Regulations of the 1922 Rhön Soaring Flight Contest
The Aerodynamic Properties of Thick Airfoils 2
Lift and Drag Effects of Wing-Tip Rake
The Minimum Induced Drag of Aerofoils
Inherent Stability of Helicopters
Bird Flight: Hints to Be Obtained From It for Use in Aviation
Applications of Modern Hydrodynamics to Aeronautics
A study of taking off and landing an airplane
Pressure distribution over thick airfoils - model tests
Internal Stresses in Laminated Construction
Aviation Spirit - Past, Present, and Future
Note on a New and Simple Method of Dead Reckoning in Aerial Navigation
Aerial photography : obtaining a true perspective
An Optical Altitude Indicator for Night Landing
The Determination of the Angles of Attack of Zero Lift and of Zero Moment, Based on Munk's Integrals
An instrument for recording the position of airplane control surfaces
The Time Lag and Interval of Discharge With a Spring Actuated Fuel Injection Pump
Regulations Governing the Issuance of Certificates of Airworthiness of Aircraft in France
An impulse electric motor for driving recording instruments
Preliminary Study of the Damping Factor in Roll
Fittings and Other Structural Parts of Airplanes
Analysis of Dr. Schaffran's Propeller Model Tests
The N.A.C.A. Recording Tachometer and Angle of Attack Recorder
Tests on Riveted Joints in Sheet Duralumin
Experiments With Fabrics for Covering Airplane Wings, to Determine Effect of Method of Installation
The Arithmetic of Distribution in Multi-Cylinder Engines
Determination of Climbing Ability
Wind Tunnel Tests of Five Strut Sections in Yaw
Graphic Method for Calculating the Speed and Climbing Ability of Airplanes