Browse TRAIL Inventories

Analytical Treatment of Normal Condensation Shock

Calibration and Measurement in Turbulence Research by the Hot-Wire Method

The Combination of Internal-Combustion Engine and Gas Turbine

Description of Russian Aircraft Engines "AM 35" and "AM 38"

Development and Construction of an Interferometer for Optical Measurements of Density Fields

Determination of the Stress Concentration Factor of a Stepped Shaft Stressed in Torsion by Means of Precision Strain Gages

Concerning the Velocity of Evaporation of Small Droplets in a Gas Atmosphere

Compressible Flow Tables for Air

Cones in Supersonic Flow

Compression Shocks of Detached Flow

The Distribution of Loads on Rivets Connecting a Plate to a Beam Under Transverse Loads

Drag Reduction by Suction of the Boundary Layer Separated Behind Shock Wave Formation at High Mach Numbers

The Calculation of the Heat Required for Wing Thermal Ice Prevention in Specified Icing Conditions

Systematic Wind-Tunnel Measurements on a Laminar Wing With Nose Flap

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Icing of an Engine Cooling-Fan Installation

A Flight Investigation of the Thermal Performance of Air Heated Propeller

Theoretical Investigation of Drag Reduction in Maintaining the Laminar Boundary Layer by Suction

Elastic Properties in Tension and Shear of High Strength Nonferrous Metals and Stainless Steel - Effect of Previous Deformation and Heat Treatment

Some Investigations of the General Instability of Stiffened Metal Cylinders 8: Stiffened Metal Cylinders Subjected to Pure Torsion

Buckling Stresses of Simply Supported Rectangular Flat Plates in Shear

An Application of Statistical Data in the Development of Gust-Load Criterions

Supersonic Wave Drag of Sweptback Tapered Wings at Zero Lift

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effect of Power and Flaps on the Static Lateral Characteristics of a Single-Engine Low-Wing Airplane Model

Investigation of the Fuselage Interference on a Pitot-Static Tube Extending Forward From the Nose of the Fuselage

The Stability of the Laminar Boundary Layer in a Compressible Fluid

Charts Showing Relations Among Primary Aerodynamic Variables for Helicopter-Performance Estimation

Spark-Timing Control Based on Correlation of Maximum-Economy Spark Timing, Flame-Front Travel, and Cylinder Pressure Rise

Recurrence Formulas and Differential Equations for Stress Analysis of Cambered Box Beams

Effect of Exhaust Pressure on the Performance of an 18-Cylinder Air-Cooled Radial Engine with a Valve Overlap of 40 Degrees

Effect of Aspect Ratio and Taper on the Pressure Drag at Supersonic Speeds of Unswept Wings at Zero Lift

Investigation of Thrust Losses Due to Shanks of a Flared-Shank Two-Blade Propeller on a Slender-Nose Airplane

Exploratory Investigation of Laminar-Boundary-Layer Oscillations on a Rotating Disk

A Study of Metal Transfer Between Sliding Surfaces

Two-Dimensional Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the NACA 64(Sub 1)-012 Airfoil Equipped With Two Types of Leading-Edge Flap

Performance and Ranges of Application of Various Types of Aircraft-Propulsion System

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Split Trailing-Edge Lift and Trim Flaps on a Tapered Wing With 23 Degree Sweepback

Iterative Interference Methods in the Design of Thin Cascade Blades

Investigations of Free Turbulent Mixing

Limits of Precision in the Determination of Lattice Parameters and Stresses by the Debye-Scherrer Method

Deformation Analysis of Wing Structures

A Flight Investigation of the Meteorological Conditions Conducive to the Formation of Ice on Airplanes

A Flight Investigation of the Thermal Performance of an Air-Heated Propeller

Flight Measurements of Helicopter Blade Motion With a Comparison Between Theoretical and Experimental Results

Flight Investigation on a Fighter-Type Airplane of Factors Which Affect the Loads and Load Distributions on the Vertical Tail Surfaces During Rudder Kicks and Fishtails

Empirical Method for Frequency Compensation of the Hot-Wire Anemometer

The Formation and Stability of Normal Shock Waves in Channel Flows

Pressure Distributions and Force Tests of an NACA 65-210 Airfoil Section With a 50-Percent-Chord Flap

A Theoretical Investigation of Hydrodynamic Impact Loads on Scalloped-Bottom Seaplanes and Comparisons With Experiment

Some Considerations of the Lateral Stability of High-Speed Aircraft

Meteorological Conditions Associated With Flight Measurements of Atmospheric Turbulence

Published Year



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