Browse TRAIL Inventories

Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 45 Degree Swept-Back Wing With Aspect Ratio of 3.5 and NACA 2S-50(05)-50(05) Airfoil Sections

Measurements of Static and Total Pressure Throughout the Transonic Speed Range as Obtained from an Airspeed Head Mounted on a Freely Falling Body

Comparative Drag Measurements at Transonic Speeds of 6-Percent-Thick Airfoils of Symmetrical Double-Wedge and Circular-Arc Sections From Tests by the NACA Wing-Flow Method

Comparative Drag Measurements at Transonic Speeds of an NACA 65-006 Airfoil and a Symmetrical Circular-Arc Airfoil

A Low-Speed Investigation of an Annular Transonic Air Inlet

Investigation of High-Lift and Stall-Control Devices on a NACA 64-Series 42 Degree Sweptback Wing With and Without Fuselage

A Method for Predicting the Stability in Roll of Automatically Controlled Aircraft Based on the Experimental Determination of the Characteristics of an Automatic Pilot

Flight Investigation to Determine the Hinge Moments of a Beveled-Edge Aileron on a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing at Transonic and Low Supersonic Speeds

Full-Scale Investigation of the Maximum Lift and Flow Characteristics of an Airplane Having Approximately Triangular Plan Form

Location of Detached Shock Wave in Front of a Body Moving at Supersonic Speeds

Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of a Semispan Airplane Model With a Swept-Back Tail From Tests at Transonic Speeds by the NACA Wing-Flow Method

Longitudinal Stability and Control of High-Speed Airplanes With Particular Reference to Dive Recovery

Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of an Airplane Model Having a 42.8 Degree Sweptback Circular-Arc Wing With Aspect Ratio 4.00, Taper Ratio 0.50, and Sweptback Tail Surfaces

Low-Speed Characteristics in Pitch of a 42 Degree Sweptback Wing With Aspect Ratio 3.9 and Circular-Arc Airfoil Sections

Measurements of Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 35 Degree Sweptback NACA 65-009 Airfoil Model With 1/4-Chord Plain Flap by the NACA Wing-Flow Method

An Investigation of the Downwash at the Probable Tail Location Behind a High-Aspect-Ratio Wing in the Langley 8-Foot High-Speed Tunnel

An Investigation of the Lateral-Control Characteristics of Spoilers on a High-Aspect-Ratio Wing of NACA 65-210 Section in the Langley 8-Foot High Speed Tunnel

Investigation of the Loads on a Typical Bubble-Type Canopy

An Investigation of the Low-Speed Characteristics of Two Sharp-Edge Supersonic Inlets Designed for Essentially External Supersonic Compression

An Investigation of the Low-Speed Stability and Control Characteristics of Swept-Forward and Swept-Back Wing in the Ames 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel

An Analysis of Airspeeds and Mach Numbers Attained by Lockheed Constellation Airplanes in Transcontinental Operations During the Early Summer of 1946

Increase in Stable-Air-Flow Operating Range of a Mixed-Flow Compressor by Means of a Surge Inhibitor

Flight Tests to Determine the Effect of Taper on the Zero-Lift Drag of Wings at Low Supersonic Speeds

Free-Flight Investigation of Control Effectiveness of Full-Span 0.2-Chord Plain Ailerons at High Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Speeds to Determine Some Effects of Section Thickness and Wing Sweepback

Free-Flight Investigation of Fullspan, 0.2 Chord Plain Ailerons at High Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Speeds to Determine Some Effects of Wing Sweepback, Taper, Aspect Ratio, and Section-Thickness Ratio

High-Speed Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Lateral Control Characteristics of Plain Ailerons on a Wing with Various Amounts of Sweep

Flight-Test Measurements of Aileron Control Surface Behavior at Super Critical Mach Numbers

Flight Observations of Aileron Flutter at High Mach Numbers as Affected by Several Modifications

Free-Fall Measurements at Transonic Velocities of the Drag of a Wing-Body Configuration Consisting of a 45 Degree Swept-Back Wing Mounted Forward of the Maximum Diameter on a Body of Fineness Ratio 12

Force and Longitudinal Control Characteristics of a 1/16-Scale Model of the Bell XS-1 Transonic Research Airplane at High Mach Numbers

Initial Test in the Transonic Range of Four Flutter Airfoils Attached to a Freely Falling Body

An Investigation at Low Speed of a Large-Scale Triangular Wing of Aspect Ratio Two 2: The Effect of Airfoil Section Modifications and the Determination of the Wake Downwash

Further investigation of NACA 4-(5)(08)-03 two-blade propeller at high forward speeds

Results of preliminary flight investigation of aerodynamic characteristics of the NACA two-stage supersonic research model RM-1 stabilized in roll at transonic and supersonic velocities

Results of flight tests at supersonic speeds to determine the effect of body nose fineness ratio on body and wing drag

Some pressure-distribution measurements on a swept-wing at transonic speeds by the NACA wing-flow method

Drag characteristics of rectangular and swept-back NACA 65-009 airfoils having various aspect ratios as determined by flight tests at supersonic speeds

Drag characteristics of rectangular and swept-back NACA 65-009 airfoils having aspect ratios of 1.5 and 2.7 as determined by flight tests at supersonic speeds

Two-dimensional wind-tunnel investigation at high Reynolds numbers of two symmetrical circular-arc airfoil sections with high-lift devices

Tests of the landing on water of a model of a high-speed airplane - Langley tank model 229

Comparison of the transonic drag characteristics of two wing-body combinations differing only in the location of the 45 degree sweptback wing

Calculations of the Supersonic Wave Drag of Nonlifting Wings with Arbitrary Sweepback and Aspect Ratio: Wings Swept Behind the Mach Lines

Lateral stability and control characteristics of an airplane model having 42.8 degree sweptback circular-arc wing with aspect ratio 4.00, taper ratio 0.50, and sweptback tail surfaces

Canopy loads investigation for the F6F-3 airplane

Investigation of Pressure Distribution over an Extended Leading-Edge Flap on a 42 Degrees Sweptback Wing

Pressure-distribution measurements on a full-scale horizontal tail surface for a Mach number range of 0.20 to 0.70

A method for predicting the stability in roll of automatically controlled aircraft based on the experimental determination of the characteristics of an automatic pilot

Measurements of the effects of thickness ratio and aspect ratio on the drag of rectangular-plan-form airfoils at transonic speeds

Preliminary investigation of spoiler lateral control on a 42 degree sweptback wing at transonic speeds

Wind-tunnel development of optimum double-slotted-flap configurations for seven thin NACA airfoil sections

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