Browse TRAIL Inventories

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Effects of Unsymmetrical Horizontal-Tail Arrangements on Power-on Static Longitudinal Stability of a Single-Engine Airplane Model

Theoretical Lift Distribution and Upwash Velocities for Thin Wings at Supersonic Speeds

Review of an Investigation of Ceramic Coatings for Metallic Turbine Parts and Other High-Temperature Applications

Effect of Exhaust Pressure on the Cooling Characteristics of an Air-Cooled Engine

Analysis, Verification, and Application of Equations and Procedures for Design of Exhaust-Pipe Shrouds

Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Bolted Joints

The Calculation of the Heat Required for Wing Thermal Ice Prevention in Specified Icing Conditions

A Method of Calculating the Compressive Strength of Z-Stiffened Panels That Develop Local Instability

Generalized Performance Comparison of Large Conventional, Tail Boom, and Tailless Airplanes

A Method for Estimating Heat Requirements for Ice Prevention on Gas-Heated Hollow Propeller Blades

High-Speed Wind-Tunnel Tests of an NACA 0009-64 Airfoil Having a 33.4-Percent-Chord Flap With an Overhang 20.1 Percent of the Flap Chord

A Further Investigation of the Meteorological Conditions Conducive to Aircraft Icing

Investigation of the pressure-loss characteristics of a turbojet inlet screen

Diagonal tension in curved webs

Effect of variation in diameter and pitch of rivets on compressive strength of panels with Z-section stiffeners panels of various stiffener spacings that fail by local buckling

Determination of plate compressive strengths

Theoretical supersonic wave drag of untapered sweptback and rectangular wings at zero lift

Charts for stress analysis of reinforced circular cylinders under lateral loads

Investigation of NACA 65(sub 112) A111 (approx.) airfoil with 0.35-chord slotted flap at Reynolds numbers up to 25 million

Investigation of the Aileron and tab of a spring-tab lateral-control system in the Langley 19-foot pressure tunnel

Hydrodynamic impact loads in smooth water for a prismatic float having an angle of dead rise of 30 degrees

Experimental and calculated characteristics of three wings of NACA 64-210 and 65-210 airfoil sections with and without 2 degree washout

Effect of variation in diameter and pitch of rivets on compressive strength of panels with Z-section stiffeners: Panels of various lengths with close stiffener spacing

The stability derivatives of low-aspect-ratio triangular wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds

Stress analysis by recurrence formula of reinforced circular cylinders under lateral loads

Pressure-distribution measurements on the rotating blades of a single-stage axial-flow compressor

Low-speed static stability and damping-in-roll characteristics of some swept and unswept low-aspect-ratio wings

Method for calculating wing characteristics by lifting-line theory using nonlinear section lift data

Wake measurements behind a wing section of a fighter airplane in fast dives

Two-dimensional wind-tunnel investigation of four types of high-lift flap on an NACA 65-210 airfoil section

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effect of Power and Flaps on the Static Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of a Single-Engine Low-Wing Airplane Model

Preliminary Investigation of a Gas Turbine With Sillimanite Ceramic Rotor Blades

Propeller-Loudness Charts for Light Airplanes

Some Considerations on an Airfoil in an Oscillating Stream

Variation of Hydrodynamic Impact Loads With Flight-Path Angle for a Prismatic Float at 0 and -3 Degree Trim and With a 22 1/2 Degree Angle of Dead Rise

Wing Pressure-Distribution Measurements Up to 0.866 Mach Number in Flight on a Jet-Propelled Airplane

The Langley Two-Dimensional Low-Turbulence Pressure Tunnel

The Effect of Compressibility on the Growth of the Laminar Boundary Layer on Low-Drag Wings and Bodies

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Air Load Distribution on Two Combinations of Lifting Surface and Fuselage

Theoretical Supersonic Lift and Drag Characteristics of Symmetrical Wedge-Shape-Airfoil Sections as Affected by Sweepback Outside the Mach Cone

Correlation of Experimental and Calculated Effects of Product of Inertia on Lateral Stability

Data on Optimum Length, Shear Strength, and Tensile Strength of Age-Hardened 17S-T Machine-Countersunk Rivets in 75S-T Sheet

Effect of Length-Beam on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Flying-Boat Hulls

Effect of Catalysts and pH Strength of Resin-Bonded Plywood

Effect of Centrifugal Force on the Elastic Curve of a Vibrating Cantilever Beam

Effect of Horizontal-Tail Position on the Hinge Moments of an Unbalanced Rudder in Attitudes Simulating Spin Conditions

Effect of Reflex Camber on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Highly Tapered Moderately Swept-Back Wing at Reynolds Numbers Up to 8,000,000

The Effect of Changing the Ratio of Exhaust-Valve Flow Capacity to Inlet-Valve Flow Capacity on Volumetric Efficiency and Output of a Single-Cylinder Engine

Effect of Critical Mach Number and Flutter on Maximum Power Loading of Ducted Fans

Effect of Distance on Airplane Noise

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