Browse TRAIL Inventories

An analysis of the factors that affect the exhaust process of a four-stroke-cycle reciprocating engine

High-speed tests of an airfoil section cambered to have critical Mach numbers higher than those attainable with a uniform-load mean line

A Method for Calculating the Heat Required for Windshield Thermal Ice Prevention Based on Extensive Flight Tests in Natural Icing Conditions

Stresses in and general instability of monocoque cylinders with cutouts III : calculation of the buckling load of cylinders with symmetric cutout subjected to pure bending

Wind-tunnel investigation of the effect of power and flaps on the static lateral stability and control characteristics of a single-engine high-wing airplane model

Wind-tunnel investigation of the effect of power and flaps on the static longitudinal stability and control characteristics of a single-engine high-wing airplane model.

An Improved Continuous-Indicating Dew-Point Meter

An investigation of the high-temperature properties of chromium-base alloys at 1350 F

Critical stress of thin-walled cylinders in torsion

Effect of simulated service conditions on plastics

A collection of the collapsed results of general tank tests of miscellaneous flying-boat-hull models

The application of high-temperature strain gauges to the measurements of vibratory stresses in gas-turbine buckets

Appreciation and determination of the hydrodynamic qualities of seaplanes

A spectrophotometric method for identification and estimation of alkylnaphthalenic-type hydrocarbons in kerosene

The effect of modifications to the horizontal-tail profile on the high-speed longitudinal control of a pursuit airplane

On subsonic compressible flows by a method of correspondence II : application of methods to studies of flow with circulation about a circular cylinder

An electrical computer for the solution of shear-lag and bolted-joint problems

On subsonic compressible flows by a method of correspondence I - methods for obtaining subsonic circulatory compressible flows about two-dimensional bodies

Distribution of bearing reactions on a rotating shaft supported on multiple journal bearings

Comparisons of theoretical and experimental lift and pressure distributions on airfoils in cascade

Theoretical aerodynamic coefficients of two-dimensional supersonic biplanes

Tentative tables for the properties of the upper atmosphere

A method for numerically calculating the area and distribution of water impingement on the leading edge of an airfoil in a cloud

Flight investigation of the effects on airplane static longitudinal stability of a bungee and engine-tilt modifications

Preliminary evaluation of the performance of a uniflow two-stroke-cycle spark-ignition engine combined with a blowdown turbine and a steady-flow turbine

High-speed aerodynamic characteristics of four thin NACA 63-series airfoils

Comparison between flight-measured and calculated span load distribution at high Mach numbers

The interaction of boundary layer and compression shock and its effect upon airfoil pressure distributions

Investigation of Thrust Augmentation of a 1600-Pound Thrust Centrifugal-Flow-Type Turbojet Engine by Injection of Refrigerants at Compressor Inlets

Measurements of the damping in roll of large-scale swept-forward and swept-back wings

Fuel investigation in a tubular-type combustor of a turbojet engine

Preliminary investigation of effects of alpha-particle bombardment on the creep rate of aluminum

A suggested method of analyzing for transonic flutter of control surfaces based on available experimental evidence

Fuel tests on an I-16 jet-propulsion engine at static sea-level conditions

A fuel-distribution control for continuous-flow manifold injection on reciprocating engines

The use of perforated inlets for efficient supersonic diffusion

An analysis of longitudinal-control problems encountered in flight at transonic speeds with a jet-propelled airplane

Characteristics of a 15-percent-chord and a 35-percent-chord plain flap on the NACA 0006 airfoil section at high subsonic speeds

Combustion-efficiency investigation of special fuels in single tubular-type combustor at simulated altitude conditions

Computed performance of a composite engine based on experimental data for a single-cylinder conventional aircraft engine converted to compression-ignition operation

Flight investigation of the heat requirements for ice prevention on aircraft windshields

A summary report on the effects of Mach number on the span load distribution on wings of several models

Investigations on Reductions of Friction on Wings, in Particular by Means of Boundary Layer Suction

NACA Conference on Aerodynamic Problems of Transonic Airplane Design

A Method for Estimating Heat Requirements for Ice Prevention Gas Heated Hollow Propeller Blades

Introduction to the Problem of Rocket-Powered Aircraft Performance

Wind-tunnel investigation of the effect of tab balance on tab and control-surface characteristics

The Performance of a Composite Engine Consisting of a Reciprocating Spark-Ignition Engine, a Blow-Down Turbine, and a Steady-Flow Turbine

Experimental Studies of Knock-Limited Blending Characteristics of Aviation Fuels 3 - Aromatics and Cycloparaffins

Laboratory Investigation of Ice Formation and Elimination in the Induction System of a Large Twin-Engine Cargo Aircraft

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