Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Lessons from intensive dust sampling of a coal mine
Portable methane-detecting appliances approved under United States Bureau of Mines standard
Natural-gasoline and cycle plants in the United States, January 1, 1954
Danger from carbon monoxide in the home
Roof bolting in Alabama coal mines and iron-ore mines
Raw materials for aluminum production
A survey of the literature on the extractive metallurgy and electrolytic refining of bismuth
Central Mine Rescue Station, the Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co. Mather Mine B Shaft, Negaunee, Mich.
Review of the ammonia industry and its application to North Dakota
Tensile properties of pure chromium at elevated temperature,
Recovery of ultrafine mineral values :a progress report
Laboratory-scale investigation of catalytic conversion of synthesis gas to methane
Petroleum-engineering study of the Ellenburger reservoir, Big Lake field, Reagan County, Texas
A new method of measurement of the incendivity of explosives to firedamp
Anchorage testing of mine-roof bolts.
Carbonizing procedures with new experimental coke oven
Diamond orientation in diamond bits.
The thermodynamics of combustion gases :temperatures of acetylene-air flames
Gasification of pulverized coal with steam and oxygen at atmospheric pressure
National annual survey of aviation gasoline and aviation jet fuel, 1953 production
Effects of variations in bulk density on coking time
Experiments on short-delay blasting in the experimental coal mine
Continuous electric smelting of low-grade nickel ores
Beneficiation of oxide manganese and manganese-silver ores from southern Arizona,
Anthracite launder screens :factors in their design and operation
Determination of porosity by a Bureau of Mines method :a list of porosities of oil sands
Analytical methods of testing waters to be injected into subsurface oil-productive strata
Factors affecting the incendivity of permissible explosives
Mining with a Dosco continuous miner on a longwall face
Mechanical mining in some bituminous-coal mines.
A network analyzer for solving mine-ventilation-distribution problems
Recommended standards for installation and maintenance of haulage roads
Testing for methane in out-of-reach places
Black Hills mineral atlas, South Dakota(in two parts).
It couldn't happen :(a description of five unusual fatal mine accidents)