Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Regeneration of spent pickle liquor
Black Hills mineral atlas, South Dakota(in two parts)
Anthracite mechanical-mining investigations.
Synthetic liquid fuelsannual report of the Secretary of the Interior for 1952
Analyses of formation brines in Kansas
Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal (collected during the fiscal year 1952)
Concentration of Klukwan, Alaska, magnetite ore
Morefield Pegmatite Mine, Amelia County, Virginia
Lead-Zinc Deposits of the Dunkleberg District, Granite County, Montana
Estimate of Known Recoverable Reserves of Coking Coal in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
Estimate of Known Recoverable Reserves of Coking Coal in Letcher County, Kentucky
Early Operations of the Hydrogenation Demonstration Plant, Using Rock Springs, Wyoming Coal
Estimate of Known Recoverable Reserves of Coking Coal in Wyoming County, West Virginia
Corrosion and Deposits in Regenerative Air Preheaters
Hermada Antimony Deposit, Elmore County, Idaho
The Future of Birmingham Red Iron Ore, Jefferson County, Alabama
National Motor-Gasoline Survey: Summer 1952
Estimate of Known Recoverable Reserves of Coking Coal in Allegany County, Maryland
Estimate of Known Recoverable Reserves of Coking Coal in Allegany County, Maryland
Estimate of Known Recoverable Reserves of Coking Coal in Somerset County, Pennsylvania
National Motor-Gasoline Survey: Winter 1952-53
Petroleum-Engineering Study of Healdton Oil Field, Carter County, Oklahoma
Barrier Pillars in the Southern Field: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania
Barrier Pillars in the Western Middle Field: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania
Static Electricity in Hospital Operating Suites: Direct and Related Hazards and Pertinent Remedies
Mine Pumping Plants: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania
Low-Temperature Carbonization Assay of Coal in a Precision Laboratory Apparatus
Visual-Arc Spectroscopic Analysis
Water flooding in the Oil Fields of Anderson, Franklin, Linn, and Miami Counties, Kans.
Figures 2-9: Barrier Pillars in the Western Middle Field: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania
Some useful applications of zirconium
The mechanism of ignition of firedamp by explosives
Iodometric determination of selenium in ores and flue dusts
Synthetic liquid fuelsannual report of the secretary of the interior for 1953.
Synthetic liquid fuelsannual report of the secretary of the interior for 1953.
Determination of solid and liquid impurities in synthesis gas