Browse TRAIL Inventories

Controllability and Maneuverability of Airplanes

Control Operating Mechanisms for Airplanes

The Pressure Distribution Over the Horizontal Tail Surfaces of an Airplane 3

The Pressure Distribution Over the Horizontal Tail Surfaces of an Airplane

Pressure Distribution Over the Rudder and Fin of an Airplane in Flight

Aeronautic Instruments Section 3: Aircraft Speed Instruments

Aeronautic Instruments Section 4: Direction Instruments

Aeronautic Instruments Section 6: Oxygen Instruments

The Tail Plane

Practical Stability and Controllability of Airplanes

The "Autogiro"

The Controls of an Airplane

Control in Circling Flight

A Constant Pressure Bomb

Rigid Airships

Factors of Safety

The Effect of Bow Stiffeners in Nonrigid Airships

Variable Pitch Propeller

Longitudinal Balancing of Airplanes

Nieuport-Astra Parachute Contest

Replacing the Weight of Materials Consumed on Airships

Fixed Air-Cooled Engines

Wood Versus Metal in Airplane Construction

"AM" Flexible Metal Joint

"Am" Gasoline Cock

Vorticism in Aeronautics

Static Soaring Flight Over Flat Sea Coasts

Possibility of Profitable Air Traffic Between Lisbon and Rio De Janeiro

Carburetion in Aviation Engines

Engines and Fuels

Rules and Regulations for Endurance Contest of Aviation Engines: Under the Auspices of the Aero Club of France

Aeronautical Record: No. 1 (to June, 1923)

Atmospheric Waves and Their Utilization in Soaring Flight

Trend to Be Given Aerodynamical Research and Experiment

Safety Factors in Aviation

Rules and Regulations Governing the Fokker Soaring-Flight Contest Over Water or Level Land

Rules and Regulations of the 1923 Rhon Soaring-Flight Contest

"Schneebeli" and "Birger" Silencers

Technical Section of Aeronautics

Factors of Safety and Indexes of Static Tests

The Vertical Accelerometer, a New Instrument for Air Navigation

Government Relations With Air Traffic Companies and Owners of Touring Airplanes

Graetzin Special Carburetor

Speed Limits of Aircraft

Lecture on Aerodynamics

Some New Aerodynamical Relations

Shortening the Landing Run

A Study of Airplane Maneuvers With Special Reference to Angular Velocities

Nomenclature for Aeronautics

The Drag of Zeppelin Airships

Published Year



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