Browse TRAIL Inventories

Bending fatigue tests 2 and 3 on a 2-inch 6x25 fiber core wire rope

Rock mechanics investigations at the Lucky Friday Mine.

Transfer of self-contained self-rescuer donning skills under similar conditions of practice :the Draeger OXY-SR60B and the CSE SR-100

A Summary of current bureau research into the effects of whole-body vibration and shock on operators of underground mobile equipment

Early detection of insulation failure in electric motors

Launching total quality management in the Bureau of Mines :a case study : quality improvement report, October 1990 through September 1992

Geotechnical Aspects of Roof and Pillar Stability in a Georgia Talc Mine

Diesels in underground mines :measurement and control of particulate emissions : proceedings, Bureau of Mines Information and Technology Transfer Seminar, Minneapolis, MN, September 29-30, 1992

Blasting hazards of gold mining in sulfide-bearing ore bodies

Motor monitoring system for a continuous miner

Research toward direct analysis of quartz dust on filters using FTIR spectroscopy

In-mine evaluation of smoke detectors

Bismuth :uses, supply, and technology

Roof control of stress-relief jointing near outcrops in central Appalachian drift coal mines

Blast vibrations and other potential causes of damage in homes near a large surface coal mine in Indiana

Coal resource recoverability :a methodology

Coal reserves of the Matewan quadrangle, Kentucky :a coal recoverability study

COALVAL, a prefeasibility software package for evaluating coal properties using Lotus 1-2-3, release 2.2 :documentation and user's guide

In situ stress measurements near the Ross shaft pillar, Homestake Mine, South Dakota

Magnetic susceptibility of minerals in high magnetic fields

Characteristics of ultrasonic ranging sensors in an underground environment

A simple and accurate method for calculating viscosity of gaseous mixtures

Gob and gate road reaction to longwall mining in bump-prone strata

Seismicity and stress changes subsequent to destress blasting at the Galena mine and implications for stress control strategies

Effect of pressure on leakage of automatic sprinklers

Vibration testing of off-road vehicle seats

Longwall retreat of gate road pillars

Estimation of shear strength using fractals as a measure of rock fracture roughness

Rare-earth occurrences in the Pea Ridge tailings

The Effect of ventilation on the water spray pattern of automatic sprinkler heads

A method to eliminate explosion hazards in auger highwall mining

Hexagonal phase transformation in the engineered scavenger compound lithium titanate

Neutralization of acidic discharges from abandoned underground coal mines by alkaline injection

Transverse-mounted end-cab design for low-coal shuttle cars

Strength characteristics and air leakage determinations for alternative mine seal designs

Impact of air velocity of the development and detection of small coal fires

Behavior of simulated longwall gob material

Biosorption of metal contaminants using immobilized biomass :field studies

Improved 6.8-L furnace for measuring the autoignition temperatures of dust clouds

Geologic investigations near an underhand cut-and-fill stope, Lucky Friday Mine, Mullan, ID

Use of oxygen-enriched gas for the oxidation of acid and fluxed taconite pellets

Facility for melting residues from municipal waste combustion :design criteria and description of equipment

Effect of ultralow frequency signaling on blasting array current

Predicting flow characteristics of a lixiviant in a fractured crystalline rock mass

Innovative method for casting steel armorplate

Thermal modeling of portable power cables

Wire rope research :analysis of bending fatigue in a 2-inch IWRC wire rope

Reducing respirable dust concentrations at mineral processing facilities using total mill ventilation systems

Hydrometallurgical production of copper from flotation concentrates

Recent progress in discriminating between coal cutting and rock cutting with adaptive signal processing techniques

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