Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Monitoring ground movements near caving stopes :methods and measurements
Experimental drift linings in a block-caving operation :a field demonstration
Mechanical properties of some portland cement concretes made with coal and coal waste as aggregates
Use of steel sets in underground coal
Selected pneumatic gunites for use in underground mining :a comparative engineering analysis
Ground-penetrating radar for strata control
Remedial and strata replacement techniques on longwall faces :a report on the state of the art
Rock stability analysis using acoustic spectroscopy
Longwall roof support technology in the eighties :a state-of-the-art report
Strata interactions in multiple-seam mining--two case studies in Pennsylvania
Mechanical behavior of coal measure rocks :elastic-inelastic behavior
Clay veins :their occurrence, characteristics, and support
Application of stereoscopic (3-D) slides to roof and rib hazard recognition training
Field evaluation of three longwall pillar systems in a Kentucky coal mine