Browse TRAIL Inventories

Stress distribution and pillar design in oil shale retorts

Iron extraction from simulated aluminum nitrate leach liquor

Hydrogenation catalysts from intermetallic compounds

Assessment of subsidence data from the northern Appalachian basin for subsidence prediction

Determination of geologic features associated with linears

Aluminum chloride hexahydrate crystallization by HC1 gas sparging

Effects of temperature on simulated in situ leaching of a chalcopyrite ore

Beneficiation of low-grade California chromite ores

Gravimetric preparation of primary standard gas mixtures in the parts per trillion range

Laboratory testing of chemical oxygen self-rescuers for ruggedness and reliability

Enthalpies of formation of ZnO.2ZnSO₄ and CoSO₄.6H₂O

Vanadium roast-leach dissolution from western phosphate tailings

Aluminum extraction from anorthosite by leaching with hydrochloric acid and fluoride

Electromagnetic radiation from rock failure

Evaluation of REO model BT 300 C-D blasting machine tester

Copper losses and the distribution of impurity elements between matte and silica-saturated iron silicate slags at 1,250⁰ C

Separation of copper-nickel mattes from Duluth gabbro concentrates by flotation and magnetic methods

Underground gob gas drainage during longwall mining

Thermodynamic data for arsenic sulfide reactions

Degasification of the Mary Lee Coalbed, Brookwood, Ala.

Superplasticity in commercial and experimental compositions of magnesium alloy sheet

Flotation of rare earths from bastn©·asite ore

Chemical equilibria in chlorination of clay

Magnetic properties of alloys containing lanthanum, cobalt, copper, and magnesium

Solvent extraction of nickel and copper from laterite-ammoniacal leach liquors

The theory of flammability limits :radiative losses and selective diffusional demixing

Safe, effective hangup clearance for underground mines

Results of EPA extraction procedure toxicity test applied to copper reverberatory slags

Thermodynamics of calcination of calcite

A microseismic system for monitoring slope stability

Firing an iron ore pelletizing kiln with low-Btu gas from lignite

Recovery of ultrafine barite from mill wastes

Probability of encountering coalbed discontinuities during vertical and horizontal borehole drilling

Radon emanation from stopes backfilled with cemented uranium mill tailings

Anion characterization of Florida phosphate rock mining materials and U.S. cement kiln dust by ion chromatography

Weathering of a base-metal sulfide leaching residue

Introduction of sulfur into copper converter slags to produce copper matte

Recovery of zinc and sulfur from sphalerite concentrates by reaction with sulfuric acid

Electrokinetic densification of solids in a coal mine sediment pond -a feasibility study (in two parts).

Inhibition and extinction of coal dust and methane explosions

Calcination of aluminum nitrate nonahydrate in a fluidized bed

Design criteria for sheathed permissible explosive charge for open shooting in flammable atmospheres

Stability relationships between petalite (LiA1Si₄O₁₀) and spodumene (LiA1Si₂O₆)

Recovery of platinum-group metals from Stillwater Complex, Mont., flotation concentrates by matte smelting and leaching

Recovery of scheelite and byproduct sphalerite from western U.S. tactite ores

Refractory properties of brick produced from beneficiated chrome-containing furnace linings

Sulfur hexafluoride as a mine ventilation research tool :recent field applications

Stripping SO₂-loaded citrate solutions with pressurized steam

Fire and explosion properties of oil shale

Flammability of mixed gases

Published Year



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