Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Mercury availability--market economy countries :a minerals availability appraisal
Helium resources of the United States, 1983
Computer program for calculating of gravimetric primary standard gas mixtures
Improved stench fire warning for underground mines
Factors affecting respirable dust generation from longwall roof supports
A low-cost FSK modem network for polled communication systems
Agglomeration and heap leaching of finely ground precious-metal-bearing tailings
Inverted pyramid-shaped plugs for closing abandoned mine shafts :Galena, KS, demonstration project
Mining health and safety in-house and contract research in fiscal year 1985
Mine subsidence control :proceedings
Phosphate resource potential for borehole mining in the southeastern coastal plain
An overview of research on explosionproof enclosures
Fluorspar availability--market economy countries and China :a minerals availability appraisal
Rollover protective structures (ROPS) inspection and maintenance guide
Analysis of dredge safety hazards
Environmental issues related to mineral development in the Stillwater Complex, MT
Determining face methane-liberation patterns during longwall mining
Ground control instrumentation :a manual for the mining industry
Gold availability--world :a minerals availability appraisal
Chromite deposits along the Border Ranges Fault, southern Alaska.
Cabs and canopies for underground coal mining equipment :proceedings
Chemically enhanced drilling :an annotated tabulation of published results
Molybdenum availability--market economy countries :a minerals availability appraisal
Automated temporary roof support (ATRS) systems for roof bolting machines :proceedings
Dust control in bag-filling operations
Cobalt availability--market economy countries :a minerals availability program appraisal
Overcoring equipment and techniques used in rock stress determination (an update of IC 8618)
Remedial and strata replacement techniques on longwall faces :a report on the state of the art
Improved underground rerailing apparatus
Evaluation of sensitive ground fault interrupters for coal mines
Microcomputer-based instrumentation system for monitoring ground support in a deep mine shaft
Chromite deposits along the border ranges fault, southern Alaska.
Design of bulkheads for controlling water in underground mines
Continuous radiation working-level detectors
Design and operation of four prototype fire detection systems in noncoal underground mines
Effects of water on coal cutting forces and primary dust distribution
Analysis for impurities in helium using the helium ionization detector
Improved shearer-clearer system for double-drum shearers on longwall faces
The phase relationship of talc and amphiboles in a fibrous talc sample
Upgrading domestic high-iron chromite concentrates by carbonyl extraction of excess iron
Chlorine-oxygen leaching of a low-grade zinc sulfide flotation concentrate
Bulkheads and drains for high sandfill stopes
Fiber reinforcement of sulfur concrete to enhance flexural properties
Coal mine air tempering :effectiveness, design, and roof support
Evaluation of a ground penetrating radar system for detecting subsurface anomalies