Browse TRAIL Inventories

Caustic extraction of alumina and soda from dawsonite-bearing oil shale

An evaluation of aluminum smelter potlining as a substitute for fluorspar in cupola ironmelting and in basic oxygen steelmaking

Industrial evaluation of sulfur concrete in corrosive environments

Alumina miniplant operations :overall mass balance for clay-HCl acid leaching

Selective recovery of arsenic from aqueous solutions with hydrated titanium dioxide

Low-rank coals and waste materials for reduction roasting and metallization of iron oxides

Velocity and orientation effects on the 10-mm Dorr-Oliver cyclone

Determination of bit forces encountered in hard rock cutting for application to continuous miner design

Integrated operation of ferric chloride leaching, molten-salt electrolysis process for production of lead

Removal of leachable metals and recovery of alumina from utility coal ash

Chemical vapor deposition of group IVB, VB, and VIB elements with nonmetals :a literature review

Helium resources of the United States, 1981

Alumina Miniplant Operations: Separation of Aluminum Chloride Liquor from Leach Residue Solids by Classification and Thickening

Ground-Water Monitoring in the Tucson Copper Mining District

Assessment of ground and surface water effects around coal and mineral storage areas

Guidelines for open-pit ore pass design

Manganese Nodule Resources of Three Areas in the Northeast Pacific Ocean: With Proposed Mining-Beneficiation Systems and Costs

Problems Facing Coal Mining and Gas Production in the Hartshorne Coalbeds of the Western Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma

Extraction of uranium from low-grade ore from Red Desert, Wyoming

Extraction of uranium from low-grade ore from McDermitt, Nevada

Primary lead and zinc availability--market economy countries :a minerals availability program appraisal

Geologic factors in coal mine roof stability :a progress report

Chromium availability-market economy countries :a minerals availability program appraisal

Review of anhydrous zirconium-hafnium separation techniques

Ground penetrating radar :a review of its application in the mining industry

Methods for producing platinum-group metal coatings from molten alkali cyanides

Underground mine communications, control, and monitoring

Deposition of nickel-cobalt alloys by controlled-potential electrolysis

Hydrogen chloride sparging crystallization of the chloride salts of cobalt, manganese, and nickel

Partial replacement of chromium in austenitic stainless steels by molybdenum, copper, and vanadium

Mathematical simulation of automated metabolic breathing simulator and self-contained self-rescuer

Continuous beneficiation of dolomitic phosphate ores

In-mine remote-actuated stench fire-warning system

Properties of filter cloths for seepage control in coal mine waste embankments

Large-scale dewatering of phosphatic clay waste from northern Florida

Reduced-chromium stainless steel substitutes containing silicon and aluminum

Evaluation of the safety of one-hour compressed oxygen self-rescuers--results of destructive testing

Recovering lithium chloride from a geothermal brine

Domestic saprolites as potential substitutes for refractory-grade bauxite

Solid-liquid separations in processing domestic laterites

Lignite recovery of cobalt³⁺ from an ammoniacal ammonium sulfate solution

The theory of flammability limits :flow gradient effects and flame stretch

Assessment of methane hazards in an anomalous zone of a Gulf Coast salt dome

In-line aeration and treatment of acid mine drainage

Dispersion-selective flocculation-desliming characteristics of oxidized taconites

A basic chloride method for extracting aluminum from clay

Pilot mill flotation of serpentinized platinum-palladium ore from the Stillwater complex

Evaluation of mine seals constructed in 1967 at Elkins, Randolph County, WV

A surface resistivity method for measuring hydrologic characteristics of jointed formations

Safer procedures for removing dragline wire rope terminations

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