Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Gas combustion retorting of oil shale under Anvil Points lease agreement :stage II
Methods and evaluation of explosive fracturing in oil shale
Radioactive tracer pulse method of evaluating fracturing of underground oil shale formations
Evaluation of methods for determining nahcolite and dawsonite in oil shales
Identification of [gamma]-valerolactone in waste water from an oil-shale in situ retort
Oil shale retorting in a 150-ton batch-type pilot plant
Pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance studies of oil shales-estimation of potential oil yields
Fracturing oil shale with explosives for in situ oil recovery
Second order effects in the kinetics of oil shale pyrolysis
Retorting indexes for oil-shale pyrolyses from ethylene-ethane ratios of product gases
Methane absorption in oil shale and its potential mine hazard