Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Sampling and evaluating respirable coal mine dust:a training manual
Explosion-proof bulkheads :present practices
An in-situ diffusion parameter for the Pittsburgh and Pocahontas No. 3 coalbeds
Subsidence due to underground mining(in two parts)
Subsidence due to underground mining(in two parts)
Recent developments in coal mine fire and explosion prevention research
Hazard from engines rebreathing exhaust in confined space
Ventilation eddy zones at a model coal mine working face
Potential uses for 400 Hz electrical power systems in mining
Electromagnetic noise in Robena No.4 Coal Mine
Rotary drilling holes in coalbeds for degasification
An electromagnetic system for detecting and locating trapped miners
Seismic detection of trapped miners using in-mine geophones
Roof-fall resupport accidents :a study