Browse TRAIL Inventories

Model coal tunnel fires in ventilation flow

Rock preconditioning to prevent rock bursts :report on a field demonstration

Electrorefining Missouri low-antimony lead bullion

Cristobalite in fire clay calcines

Extraction of uranium from carbonaceous sandstone materials

Geology, mining, and methane content of the Freeport and Kittanning coalbeds in Indiana and surrounding counties, Pa.

Using zinc cathodes for zinc electrowinning

Centrifugal casting of refractoy concretes

Regeneration and recycling of waste chromic acid-sulfuric acid etchants

Enhancing germination of Indian ricegrass seed used in stabilizing mineral wastes

CO₂-absorption characteristics of mine rescue breathing apparatus

Copper availability - domestic :a minerals availability system appraisal

A fail-safe control system for a mine methane pipeline

Titania from intermediates prepared by soda-smelting ilmenite

Recovering byproduct heavy minerals from sand and gravel, placer gold, and industrial mineral operations

Enhancing percolation rates in heap leaching of gold-silver ores

Dewatering systems for surface coal mines :final report

Abandoned coal-mined lands :nature, extent and cost of reclamation

Low-sulfur pressure vessels steels by the electroslag and electric-arc-furnace processes

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