Browse TRAIL Inventories

Inmine fire tests of mine shaft fire and smoke protection systems

State severance taxes on nonfuel minerals as of January 1. 1978

Methanation activity of Raney nickel catalysts :effect of proportion of NiAl₃ and Ni₂Al₃ in precursor alloys

Thermodynamic data on the amphibole asbestos minerals amosite and crocidolite

Longer-than-seam-height drill development program

Effect of water sprays for respirable dust suppression with a research continuous-mining machine

Design requirements for uranium ion exchange from acidic solutions in a fluidized system

Pillar failure analysis and in situ stress determinations at the Fletcher mine near Bunker, Mo.

Methane drainage :experience with hydraulic stimulation through slotted casing

Comparison of five types of low-energy scrubbers for dust control

Improved methods for monitoring production from vertical degasification wells

Electromagnetic technique for locating boreholes

Selenium removal from acidic waste water using zinc reduction and lime neutralization

Electrochemical determination of the Gibbs energy of formation of sphalerite (ZnS)

Tungsten recovery from Searles Lake brines :by P.B. Altringer, W.N. Marchant, R.O. Dannenberg, and P.T. Brooks.

Preconcentration of native copper ore by electronic sorting

Extinguishing agents for mine face gas explosions

Antimony, arsenic, and mercury in the combustible fraction of municipal solid waste

Radon emanation from domestic uranium ores determined by modification of the closed-can, gamma-only assay method

Continuous-circuit preparation of phosphoric acid from Florida phosphate matrix

Uranium in situ leach mining in the United States

Factors affecting fabricability of electrowon copper

Low-temperature heat capacities and high-temperature enthalpies of cuprous and cupric sulfides

Safety aspects of longwall mining in the Illinois coal basin

Thermodynamic properties of NiBr₂ and NiSo₄ from 10 to 1,200 K

Recovery of copper from granulated blast furnace slag

Bureau of Mines damage-resistant brattice

Fatigue-resistant lead sheet and lead-laminate noise barriers

Tracer gas method for measuring leakage through mine stoppings

Wood precharring :a novel fire-retardancy technique

Iron oxide pigments(in two parts)

Analyses of natural gases, 1977

Projects to expand energy sources in the Western States :an update of Information circular 8719 : survey of planned or proposed coal mines :electric generating, coal conversion, and waste-to-fuel plants : oil shale and tar sands projects : geothermal facilities : uranium mines, mills, and enrichment facilities : natural gas processing and storage facilities : oil refineries and terminal facilities : railroads and coal slurry, petroleum, and natural gas pipelines, in States West of the Mississippi River (as of August 1977)

Energy use patterns for metal recycling

Multivariate analysis techniques with application in mining

Guide for the construction of driven-rod ground beds

Barite :a statistical summary

Simulation of man's respiratory and metabolic functions by the automated breathing metabolic simulator

Coal mine fire and explosion prevention :proceedings, Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminars, Pittsburgh, Pa., March 2, 1978, and Denver, Colo., March 14, 1978

Spontaneous oxidation and combustion of sulfide ores in underground mines :a literature survey

Occurrence and recovery of certain minor metals in the smelting-refining of copper

Well construction information for in situ uranium leaching

Coal recovery from underground bituminous coal mines in the United States, by mining method

Economic evaluation of a leach-electrolysis process for recovering lead from galena concentrate

Design of surface mine haulage roads :a manual

Cobalt and nickel removal from zinc sulfate electrolyte by solvent extraction and precipitation techniques

A flexible helical rock bolt

Computer modeling of five-spot well pattern fluid flow during in situ uranium leaching

Chemical flame inhibition using molecular beam mass spectrometry :reaction rates and mechanisms in a methane flame inhibited with 1.1% CF₃Br

Viscosity of BOF slags fluidized with fluorspar, colemanite, and fused boric acid

Published Year



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