Browse TRAIL Inventories

A method for computing stabilization pressures for excavations in incompetent rock :with computer user information

Seismic equipment used in rock-burst control in the Coeur d'Alene Mining District, Idaho

Smelting of arseniferous copper concentrate in an electric-arc furnace

Modification of Bureau of Mines BERC rock dust meter

Reduction of dust and energy during coal cutting using point-attack bitswith an analysis of rotary cutting and development of a new cutting concept

Fluidized coke-bed chlorination of ilmenites

Flame and pressure development of Large-Scale CH4-air-N2 explosions :buoyancy effects and venting requirements

Water barriers for suppressing coal dust explosions

Free energies of formation of chromous, chromic, and chromium (II, III) fluorides by electromotive force measurements

Using inflatable stoppings during production in noncoal mines

Metal recovery by dismantling of scrapped starter motors, auto generators, and alternators

Projects to expand fuel sources in Eastern States :survey of planned or proposed coal mines, coal and noncoal conversion plants, electric generating plants, oil refineries, uranium enrichment facilities, and related infrastructure, in States east of the Mississippi River (as of June 1976)

Thermodynamic properties of rhenium oxides, 8 to 1,400 K

Basic estimated capital investment and operating costs for coal strip mines :revision of information circular 8661

Automated borehole surveying system for steeply inclined cased boreholes

Sulfur reduction potential of the coals of the United States :a revision of report of investigations 7633

Multipoint detection of products of combustion with tube bundles :transit times, transmissions of submicrometer particulates, and general applicability

Use of shredded automobile scrap for copper cementation

Preliminary report on 1975 drilling of lignites in western North Dakota :Adams, Bowman, Dunn, Hettinger, McLean, Mercer, Oliver, Slope, and Wiliams counties

Contributions to the Data on Theoretical Metallurgy: [Part] 16. Thermodynamic Properties of Nickel and its Inorganic Compounds

The Electroslag Melting Process

Electrokinetic Consolidation of Slimes in an Underground Mine

Longwall gob degasification with surface ventilation boreholes above the Lower Kittanning coalbed

Supply and demand for United States coking coals and metallurgical coke

Coal transportation practices and equipment requirements to 1985

Selected silicate minerals and their asbestiform varieties :mineralogical definition sand identification-characterization

Smelting prereduced nickel concentrate in an electric-arc furnace

Vapor-pressure measurements by effusion methods

Geology and methane content of the upper Freeport coalbed in Fayette County, Pa.

Brattice window method for measuring leakage through mine stoppings

AC impedance measurements used to locate faults in mining power cables

Bureau of Mines research on resource recovery :reclamation, utilization, disposal and stabilization

Stereographic method of determining whether planes of weakness transect pillars

Effects of hydraulic stimulation on coalbeds and associated strata

Single-entry development for longwall mining :research approach and results at Sunnyside No. 2 mine, Carbon County, Utah

Estimating methane content of bituminous coalbeds from adsorption data

Methane absorption in oil shale and its potential mine hazard

Laboratory studies on spontaneous heating of coal :a summary of information in the literature

Physical properties of western coal waste materials

Methods of determining the orientations of bedrock fracture systems in southwestern Pennsylvania and northern West Virginia

Arc furnace recycling of chromium-nickel from stainless steel wastes

Extracting uranium from a Wyoming granite

Remote transducer based on coherent mixing of backscattered laser light

Heat balance in in situ combustion

Chlorination of chalcopyrite

Beneficiation of coal by selective flocculation,a laboratory study

Directionally controlled drilling to horizontally intercept selected strata, upper Freeport coalbed, Green County, Pa.

Remote monitoring of air quality in underground mines

Test procedures for nonlinearly elastic stress-relief overcores

Splice flexure performance factors in shuttle car trailing cables

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