Browse TRAIL Inventories

An ultrasonic method for determining the elastic symmetry of materials

Suggested orientation conventions for elastically anisotropic polycrystalline and amorphous materials

An ultrasonic method for determining the attenuation symmetry of materials

Mine water research :catalytic oxidation of ferrous iron in acid mine water by activated carbon

The electrohydraulic effect :potential application in rock fragmentation

Fluidized-bed low-temperature carbonization of bituminous coal and thermal cracking of the tar vapors

Heats of formation of three oxides of rhenium

Energetics of percussive drills-longitudinal strain energy

Dismantling a typical junk automobile to produce quality scrap

Specifications for Selected Hydraulic-Powered Roof Supports: With a Methods to Estimate Support Requirement for Longwalls

Pennsylvania Anthracite Refuse: A Survey of Solid Waste from Mining and Preparation

Supply and Demand for Energy in the United States by States and Regions, 1960 and 1965 (In Four Parts): 1. Coal

Supply and Demand For Energy in the United States by States and Regions, 1960 and 1965 (In Four Parts): 4. Petroleum and Natural Gas Liquids

A Statistical Analysis of U.S. Demand for Phosphate Rock, Potash, and Nitrogen

Respiratory Protective Devices Approved by the Bureau of Mines as of December 31, 1968: A Revision of Information Circular 8281

Supply and Demand for Energy in the United States by States and Regions, 1960 and 1965 (In Four Parts): 2. Utility Electricity

Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Monosubstituted Pyridines

Fluorine Micas

Mineral Resources and Industries of Arkansas

Supply and Demand For Energy in the United States by States and Regions, 1960 and 1965 (In Four Parts): 3. Dry Natural Gas

Published Year



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