Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Effects of adding rare-earth silicides, aluminum, and cryolite to molten steel
A Petrofabric Study of Tectonic and Mining-Induced Deformations in a Deep Mine
Diesel Exhaust Contamination of Tunnel Air
Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects of Crude Oil Composition
New England Beryllium Investigations
Copper Leaching Practices in the Western United States
Tunneling Technology: Its Past and Present
X-Ray Studies of Coals and Carbonaceous Materials
Tunneling: Recommended Safety Rules
Cold-Mold Arc Melting and Casting
Cold-Mold Arc Melting and Casting
Effects of surface mining on the fish and wildlife resources of the United States;
Effects of surface mining in fish and Wildlife in Appalachia.
Experiments on the flow of mercury in porous media in a transverse magnetic field
Waste disposal costs of a Florida phosphate operation
Impact of petroleum development in the Gulf of Mexico
Waste disposal costs at two coal mines in Kentucky and Alabama
Dust control in mining, tunneling, and quarrying in the United States, 1961 through 1967
Improving returns from mine products through use of operations research techniques
Materials handling research :hydraulic transportation of coarse solids
Use of antifissurants in making better coke from Sunnyside coal from Utah
Possible applications of plasma technology in minerals processing
A general computer program for solving nonlinear regression problems
Review of Bureau of Mines Coal Program, 1968
Preparation of anhydrous aluminum chloride
On estimating virial coefficients from experimental data
Heavy oil reservoirs in Arkansas
Pozzolanic raw materials resources in the central and western United States
A Method of measuring the costs and benefits of applied research
Grace Mine iron ore waste disposal system and estimated costs
Potential applications for nuclear explosives in a shale-oil industry
Radiation-ventilation relationships in six underground uranium mines
Production of metallic concentrates from high-silica iron ores
Preparation of rare-earth and yttrium metals by electrodeposition and vacuum distillation of alloys
A systems approach to recovering gold resources in Jefferson County, Mont. :introductory review
Destructive distillation of scrap tires
Methods for producing alumina from clay :an evaluation of two lime sinter processes
Laboratory oil-recovery tests with ultrasonically formed emulsions