Browse TRAIL Inventories

Hydrogen cyanide from the reaction of coal with ammonia

Preparation Characteristics of Pennsylvania Anthracite from the Bottom Red Ash Bed, Northern Field

Stress Ellipsoid Determination in a Rock-Burst-Prone Area at a 4,000-Foot Depth, Galena Mine, Wallace, Idaho

Thickness of Bituminous Coal and Lignite Seams Mined in 1965

Ringelmann Smoke Chart: Revision of IC 7718

Identification of Distillable Paraffins, Olefins, Aromatic Hydrocarbons, and Neutral Heterocyclics from A Low-Temperature Bituminous Coal Tar

Feldspar resources and marketing in eastern United States

Entrainment Carbonization of Texas Lignite

Fluorspar in the eastern states

Advances in Coal Spectrometry: Absorption Spectrometry

Optical Properties of Coals and Graphite

Characterization of the Resin Fraction from Various Low-Temperature Tar Pitches

Some Statistical Techniques for Analyzing Mine and Mineral-Deposit Sample and Assay Data

Yields and Analyses of Tars and Light Oils from Carbonization of U.S. Coals

State Compensatory Provisions for Occupational Diseases

Thermodynamic Properties of Forsterite and Serpentine

Preliminary report on Bureau of Mines Yellow Creek corehole no. 1, Rio Blanco County, Colorado

An energy model for the United States :featuring energy balances for the years 1947 to 1965 and projections and forecasts to the years 1980 and 2000

Research and technologic work on explosives, explosions, and flames :fiscal year 1967

Recommended safety standards for shaft sinking :(revision of IC 7810)

Hot carbonate purification computer program

Study of the silver potential, Creede District, Mineral County, Colo.

Technology and use of lignite :proceedings, Bureau of Mines - University of North Dakota Symposium, Grand Forks, N. Dak., April 27-28, 1967

The reactivity of ammonium nitrate-fuel oil with pyrite-bearing ores

Helium-4 experimental PVT references :1895 to 1968

Horizontal boring technology :a state-of-the-art study,

Bureau of Mines research on the analysis of high-purity tungsten

Petroleum and oil shale research of the Bureau of Mines :fiscal year 1966

Copper hydrometallurgy :a review and outlook

Gamma irradiation of coal

Refractory use patterns in the iron and steel industry of the United States

Magnetic susceptibility of 34 manganese-bearing minerals

United States coals in world markets

Permissible mine equipment approved by the Bureau of Mines during 1965-66 :a supplement to Bulletin 543 and Information circulars 8220 and 8299

Active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices approved before December 1, 1967

Review of major proposed processes for recovering manganese from United States resources (in three parts).

Magnetic susceptibility of copper-, lead-, and zinc-bearing minerals

Mineral transportation costs in the Pacific Northwest :methodology and application of a statistical analysis

Mobile diesel-powered equipment for nongassy noncoal mines and tunnels approved by the Bureau of Mines, 1951-66

Composition and characteristics of municipal incinerator residues

A multistage probability model of sample reduction in the mineral industries

Prospecting and exploring for radioactive minerals :supplement to facts concerning uranium exploration and production

An engineering and economic study of a gold mining operation

Factors in selecting and applying commercial explosives and blasting agents,

Basic coal research in the United States.

An anisotropic elastic solution for testing stress relief cores / by Robert M. Becker.

Recovery of cerium and lanthanum by ozonation of lanthanide solutions

Oxidation of lead blast furnace matte by ferrobacillus ferrooxidans or a dilute acid solution

Shales for lightweight aggregate in Appalachian region, Kentucky and Tennessee

Dust explosibility of chemicals, drugs, dyes, and pesticides

Published Year



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