Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Composition of a shale-oil naphtha
Mechanism of sodium reduction of titanium chlorides in fused salts
Reducing the incendivity of permissible explosives by sodium chloride
Combustion of North Dakota lignite in domestic heaters
Structural phases in lime-soda sinters for alumina recovery :a progress report
Solvent extraction of coals by abietic acid at atmospheric pressure
Producing heavy fuel oil by hydrogenating bituminous coal
Hydrogenating coal in a pilot plant with a molybdenum catalyst
Underground gasification of coal :hydraulic fracturing as method of preparing a coalbed
Applications of radioisotopes in metallurgical research
Heat of formation of yttrium chloride
Reactions of iron and iron compounds with hydrogen and hydrogen sulfide
Selectivities of laboratory flotation and float-sink separations of coal
Recovering manganese from mill rejects
Fersmite :a rare calcium-columbate mineral from Montana
Shallow lead diggings, Grant and Lafayette Counties, Wis.
International system for classifying brown coals and lignites and its application to American coals
Evaluating one-half million pounds of zirconium sponge
Paper-coating clay from coarse Georgia kaolins by a new attrition-grinding process
Fine-screening of coal :testing of the sieve bend
The role of fluidity in coal carbonization
Ceramic fibers for filtering dust from hot gases
Minimum ignition-energy concept and its application to safety engineering
Thermodynamic properties of the combustion products of graphite and oxygen in idealized dust flames
Controlling mine fires with high-expansion foam
Determining the safety characteristics of unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine
X-ray crystallography of boron
Producing nickel-bearing iron from Cuban ores in a batch rotary kiln
Flotation of Pacific Northwest chromite ores
Smelting unfired iron ore pellets in an experimental blast furnace
Plant performance tests of the tromp dense-medium coal-cleaning process
Hazards of cutoff explosive charges in multiple blasting of coal
Preparation characteristics of coal from Butler County, Pa.
Extracting final stump in pillars and pillar lifts with continuous miners
Fused-salt electrorefining of vanadium
Acid leaching of oxidized copper ores by downward percolation
Carbonizing properties of Boone County, W. Va., coals
Sulfur in lignite :form and transformations on thermal treatment
Correlations involving different screen indexes for a given size distribution of coke
Laboratory equipment and test procedures for evaluating explosibility of dusts
Concentrating argillaceous surface iron ore of Tuscaloosa County, Ala., by washing
Equilibrium pressures of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide over solutions of potassium carbonate
Use of natural gas in an experimental blast furnace
Use of sonic techniques in exploring coal-mine roof strata :a progress report