Browse TRAIL Inventories

Some fundamental aspects of dust flames

Metallic binders for zirconium diboride :chromium, molybdenum, and tungsten

Vapor-phase hydrogenation of oils derived from coal and oil shale

A device for placing a borehole deformation gage in a horizontal hole

Preventing ignition of dust dispersions by inerting

Hydrocarbon-type relationships of eastern and western hemisphere high-sulfur crude oils

Washability studies and cleaning trials on coals from Pierce County, Wash.

Development of a rock stress monitoring station based on the flat slot method of measuring existing rock stress

Effect of impurity levels on zircaloy 2 microstructure, mechanical properties, and corrosion rates

Characteristics of products obtained by oxidation of anthracite with concentrated nitric acid

Modulus of elasticity of a rock determined by four different methods

Flotation treatment of experimental iron ore tailing from Champion mine, Marquette Range, Michigan

Specific-gravity to oil-yield relationships for black shales of Kentucky's New Albany Formation

Recrystallization of vanadium

Theory and application of dimensional and inspectional analysis to model study of fluid displacements in petroleum reservoirs

An apparatus for determining the helium content of gas mixtures

Cost estimates of processes for separating mixtures of methane and hydrogen

Recovery of tin from hardhead by filtration

Aluminum extraction characteristics of three calcium aluminates in water, sodium hydroxide, and sodium carbonate solutions

A process for the preparation of thorium by sodium reduction of thorium tetrachloride

Optical activity in oils derived from coals

Preparation of aluminum fluoride from alumina hydrate and dilute fluoride solutions

Experimental production and smelting of prereduced iron ore pellets

The hafnium-tantalum equilibrium diagram

Formation damage estimated from water sensitivity tests, Patrick Draw area, Wyoming

An improved procedure for the synthesis of thiolacetic acids

Heats of formation of zirconium carbide and hafnium carbide

Application of computers to heat flow and cost analysis in furnace wall design

Investigation of in situ rock stresses, Ruth Mining District, Nevada with emphasis on slope design problems in open-pit mines

Safe use of respiratory protective equipment in work in compressed air :detection and physiological effects of gases encountered

Rolled molybdenum single crystals :deformation textures, recrystallization, and transition temperature

Explosibility of metal powders

Effect of uranium on the isothermal transformation and hardenability of a low-alloy steel

Sulfatization of manganese minerals and selected gangue materials

Thermodynamic properties of cuprous and cupric ferrites

Electrolytic extraction of tungsten from western scheelite

Low-temperature heat capacities and entropies at 298.15⁰ of sulfides of arsenic, germanium and nickel

Separation of the lanthanide series and yttrium using phosphonic and iminodiacetic acid resins

Expendable casting molds for reactive metals

Molten-salt electrorefining of uranium

Electrorefining of columbium

Limits of flammability of hydrazine-hydrocarbon vapor mixtures

Solubility characteristics of sodium aluminate

Bulk density studies on a commercial blend of western coking coals

Electrical conductivity and density of molten systems of uranium tetrafluoride and thorium fluoride and alkali fluorides

Intermetallic compounds in magnesium-rich magnesium-aluminum-zirconium alloys

A semiquantitative spectrochemical method for analysis of coal ash

Heats and free energies of formation of sulfides of manganese, iron, zinc, and cadmium

A study of the feasibility of using nuclear explosions to increase petroleum recovery

Selective flotation of a barite-fluorspar ore from Tennessee

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