Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Pine flat and diamond flat nickel-bearing laterite deposits, Del Norte County, Calif.
Studies on the bullet sensitivity of ammonium nitrate-fuel oil mixtures
Thermoelectric properties of enargite-type compounds
Heats and free energies of formation of vanadates of lead and manganese
Oxidation leaching of copper sulfides in acidic pulps at elevated temperatures and pressures
Oxidizing Pittsburgh-bed coal :effect of processing temperature and time
Thermodynamic properties of beryllium sulfate from 0⁰ to 900⁰ K
Sulfuric acid from sulfur dioxide by autoxidation in mechanical cells
High-temperature corrosion studies :nickel and cobalt in air and oxygen
Preparation characteristics of coal from Mercer County, W. Va.
Magnetic susceptibility of siderite
Effects of hydraulic fluids in spontaneous heating of coal
Examination of an experimental iron blast furnace after quenching with nitrogen
Metal diaphragm apparatus for measuring vapor pressures :vapor pressure of arsenic (III) oxide
Design and construction of a laboratory-scale fluidized-bed reactor
Chelating agents in separation of rare-earth compounds by solvent extraction with amines
Infrared studies of oleic acid and sodium oleate adsorption on fluorite, barite, and calcite
Anionic flotation of silica from geothitic iron-bearing materials, Cuyuna Range, Minn.
Radiotracer applications in electrometallurgical processing
Analyses of crude oils from the Gulf Coast area of Louisiana and Texas
Vibrations from blasting at Iowa limestone quarries
Hydraulic coal mining research :tests in a steeply pitching coalbed, Rosalyn, Wash.
Analyses of brines from oil-productive formations in south Arkansas and north Louisiana
Use of depleted uranium for cathodic protection
Methods for producing alumina from clay :an evaluation of a potassium alum process
Solubility characteristics of monocalcium aluminate
Hazards in using liquid hydrogen in bubble chambers
A method for determining stress in rock
Advances in coal spectrometry :mass spectrometry
Acid leaching of beryllium ore from Spor Mountain, Utah
Feasibility of electrical precipitation at high temperatures and pressures
Continuous attrition grinding of coarse kaolin (in two parts).
Carbonizing properties of coals from Elk, Clarion, Jefferson, Clearfield, and Centre Counties, Pa.
A small alumina reduction cell
Use of calcined anthracite in foundry cupolas
Extraction of alumina from ferruginous bauxite by a double-leach process
Modifications in bomb reduction of vanadium oxide
Low-temperature heat capacity and high-temperature heat content of mullite
Ignition of combustible mixtures by laminar jets of hot gases
Separation and characterization of polar material in distillate fuel
Fluidized-bed chlorination of titaniferous slags and ores
Drillability studies :diamond drilling
An inexpensive triaxial apparatus for testing mine rock
Heats of formation of two crystalline hydrates of ferrous sulfate