Browse TRAIL Inventories

Transfer of heat from helium at high temperatures :physical characteristics of ceramic heat exchangers

Performance of tables in cleaning Alaska coals

Field test for columbium

Radioactive waste disposal in the Shiprock-type uranium milling flowsheet

Electron micrographs of some unusual inorganic fibers

Properties of palygorskite, an asbestiform mineral

Disposal of liquid waste in the resin-in-pulp-type uranium milling flowsheet

Methods for producing alumina from clay :an evaluation of five hydrochloric acid processes

Performance of waterfloods in Wichita County, Tex.

Platinum expansion values for thermal calibration of high-temperature x-ray diffraction cameras and diffractometers

Investigation of mercury-antimony deposits near Flat, Yukon River region, Alaska

Bacterial leaching of manganese ores

Trends and outlook in the Pacific Northwest aluminium industry

The Pacific Northwest ferroalloy industry

Physical properties of aromatic ethers :a literature survey of 1,024 compounds

Bibliography of investment and operating costs for chemical and petroleum plants, January-December 1961

Blasting stumps in coal mines

Bibliography of Bureau of Mines health and safety publications July 1, 1955, through June 30, 1961

Bureau of mines research and technologic work on coal, 1960

Safety practices in shaft sinking and tunneling :West Delaware aqueduct

Mine water control program, anthracite region of Pennsylvania : July 1955-December 1961

Economic analysis of the production of ferronickel and steel from Philippine nickeliferous ores

Survey of practices in controlling roof at intersections and junctions in underground coal mines

Water as an inert for neutralizing the coal dust explosion hazard

Escapeways and other emergency measures in coal mines

Dust control in mining, tunneling, and quarrying in the United States, 1958 through 1960

National first-aid and mine rescue contest, Charleston, W. Va., October 2-4, 1961

Administration of the Federal Coal-Mine Safety Act, 1952-61

Review of major proposed processes for recovering manganese from United States resources (in three parts).

Metallurgical application of solvent extraction :fundamentals of the process

Rare elements in coal

Borehole deformation gage for determining the stress in mine rock

Performance of a screw-type, classifier-cyclone combination :a laboratory evaluation

High-temperature heat contents and entropies of sesquioxides of europium, gadolinium, neodymium, samarium, and yttrium

Heats and free energies of formation of germanium dioxide

Defluorination of fluorspar :pyrohydrolysis at 1,500⁰ C.

Hydrogen as an oxidation retardant in gas-cooled systems

Defluorination of fluorspar :preparation of aluminum fluoride from siliceous fluorspar

A microhydrogenation technique for identifying organic sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen and halogen compounds

Cemented tungsten carbide with titanium diboride additions

Titanium resources of Nelson and Amherst counties, Va. (in two parts).

Alkyl-dithiocarbamic acid amine salts as flotation collectors for sulfide lead slime

Methods of analyzing oilfield waters :metallics : copper, nickel, lead, iron, manganese, zinc and cadmium

Estimating daily exposures of underground uranium miners to airborne radon-daughter products

Spectrochemical analysis of high-purity beryllium

Design, construction, and evaluation of an electron probe x-ray spectrograph

Performance of a screw-type, classifier-cyclone combination :a laboratory evaluation

Rapid determination of permeability in porous rock

Physical properties and clay mineral contents affecting susceptibility of oil sands to water damage, Powder River Basin, Wyo.

An economic evaluation of hydrogen production by the continuous steam-iron process at 7 atmospheres

Published Year



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