Browse TRAIL Inventories

A thimble type gamma-ray dosimeter and the measurement of the radiation from lumped and distributed type sources

Fading characteristics of gamma induced coloration in high density glass

A standard gamma ray ionization chamber for shielding measurements

Gamma-ray contamination in the thermal neutron exposure facility of the Oak Ridge Reactor

Detection possibility of circular polarization of gamma rays

Can polarization effects be detected in capture gamma radiation

A note on isotropy in nuclear gamma radiation

A cobalt gamma-ray source used for studies in radiation chemistry

An investigation of X-ray and gamma ray spectra of short period radioisotopes

Effects of gamma radiation on explosives :final and summary report on Army Ordnance Project TA3-5003R

Gamma radiation damage studies of organic protective coatings and gaskets

Transmission of obliquely incident gamma-radiation through stratified slab barriers

A Monte Carlo study of the gamma-ray energy flux, dose rate, and buildup factors in a lead-water slab shield of finite thickness

Energy and angular distribution of gamma radiation from a Co⁶⁰ source after diffusion through many mean free paths of water

An Estimation of photoneutrons from carbon-13 in an oil shield

A Monte Carlo calculation of air-scattered gamma rays

Analysis of the recent TSF secondary gamma-ray experiment

Thermoluminescence studies of the gamma-irradiated ferroelectrics rochelle salt and guanidine aluminum sulfate hexahydrate

Published Year

