Browse TRAIL Inventories

An investigation of several NACA 1-series nose inlets with and without protruding central bodies at high-subsonic Mach numbers and at a Mach number of 1.2

Low-speed wind-tunnel investigation of a triangular sweptback air inlet in the root of a 45 degree sweptback wing

Lateral-control investigation of flap-type controls on a wing with quarter-chord line sweptback 35©�, aspect ratio 4, taper ratio 0.6, and NACA 65A006 airfoil section.Transonic-bump method

Aerodynamic investigation at Mach number 1.92 of a rectangular wing and tail and body configuration and Its components

Results of two free-fall experiments on flutter of thin unswept wings in the transonic speed range

An investigation at transonic speeds of the effects of thickness ratio and of thickened root sections on the aerodynamic characteristics of wings with 47©� sweepback, aspect ratio 3.5, and taper ratio 0.2 in the slotted test section of the Langley 8-foot high-speed tunnel

Aerodynamic characteristics of a leading-edge slat on a 35 degree swept-back wing for Mach numbers from 0.30 to 0.88

Effects of overhang balance on the hinge-moment and effectiveness characteristics of an unswept trailing-edge control on a 60 degree delta wing at transonic and supersonic speeds

Combustion of aluminum borohydride in a supersonic wind tunnel

The rolling moment due to sideslip of swept wings at subsonic and transonic speeds

An experimental study of a method of designing the sweptback-wing - fuselage juncture for reducing the drag at transonic speeds

Initial experimental investigation of the aerodynamic load on the wing of a model caused by a blast-induced gust that increases the angle of attack into the stall region

Experimental aerodynamic forces and moments at low speed of a missile model during simulated launching from the midsemispan location of a 45 degree sweptback wing-fuselage combination

Some factors affecting the variation of pitching moment with sideslip of aircraft configurations

Transonic wind-tunnel investigation of the effects of sweepback and thickness ratio on the wing loads of a wing-body combination of aspect ratio 4 and taper ratio 0.6

Wind-tunnel investigation of the static longitudinal and lateral stability of a 1/62-scale model of the X-1E at supersonic speeds

Effects of two leading-edge modifications on the aerodynamic characteristics of a thin low-aspect-ratio delta wing at transonic speeds

A wind-tunnel investigation of the development of lift on wings in accelerated longitudinal motion

Wind-tunnel investigation of damping in roll at supersonic speeds of triangular wings at angles of attack

Transonic investigation of aerodynamic characteristics of a swept-wing fighter-airplane model with leading-edge droop in combination with outboard chord-extensions and notches

Low-speed static stability characteristics of a cambered-delta-wing model

Investigation at transonic speeds of the loading over a 45 degree sweptback wing having an aspect ratio of 3, a taper ratio of 0.2, and NACA 65A004 airfoil sections

Transonic wind-tunnel investigation of aerodynamic-loading characteristics of a 2-percent-thick trapezoidal wing in combination with basic and indented bodies

Wind-tunnel investigation of effects of ventral fins at two positions on lateral-stability derivatives of 45©� high-wing model oscillating in yaw

Steady loads due to jet interference on wings, tails, and fuselages at transonic speeds

Investigation at Mach numbers from 0.80 to 1.43 of pressure and load distributions over a thin 45©� sweptback highly tapered wing in combination with basic and indented bodies

Aerodynamic characteristics of a spoiler-slot-deflector control on a 45©� sweptback wing at Mach numbers of 1.61 and 2.01

Investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics in pitch and sideslip of a 45©� swept-wing airplane configuration with various vertical locations of the wing and horizontal tail.Static lateral and directional stability; Mach numbers of 1.41 and 2.01

Effect at high subsonic speeds of fuselage forebody strakes on the static stability and vertical-tail-load characteristics of a complete model having a delta wing

Published Year

